Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 26, 23 October 1940 — Foreign Peril Is Seen By President [ARTICLE]
Foreign Peril Is Seen By President
W A S H 1 X <i lUS — Presideii RooseveH, lca\lgurntSns nattonwUle re£istration for milltHry traln?ūg,~ Wednestla.v, th? for ! cuuscr!ptimi bi»cii imin}ggd Up |uu us (umi wUlioul" !'j ,ha\c vrciilod t!»v nai«o <intf ilwmĪ of I iui;il war,"" iunl iluu ra l«(lay wro Tfvt« j uuder Oiiodts of fn«n abruatl . . [ registrsitlon ft»r tralnlng |aud servi-.-e is tlio keist\>i»e In the ]aroh of naUonnl he to3<i ihe īuUion as tu«n frxmi tlie ajros of 21 to 35, ihcluslve 4 registered lhri.ughoiu the soūn!ry. "On thls tlay iuore tfean 16,000,OOu . lii'.i; Aii.crk-;lU$ &iv rvvivtug ! ihe -ygoar-old Aiuerioaa cuMomj ;of isir juu>ier. T!iey an? o>beying] Uuu i st (UiU' ot frw eUiiwniilili» hi | whieli froia the c»»rUesl eolonlal | ( uiuvs c\v'ry uWe-bodied cUSxeu is ( >ui)jcv i u> ilie oaU to scrvke in the. ■n:ukmal uef«ust? ... | i 'Tlio>e who <laivd to tlireviton U«. wlwli» v«>rhl wlth war, ! ,lnno t ivutod thc uame a«3 «Khnl <>ī' |n>!a! >var have hupo&ei! «i>on ai>U ( iall lm' i>o«plos thc '»>rt^v;» r f«»r totnl j Uv resi>traut¥, nhm is yi>ur tW' i «»«•*» of yo«th. w £&!£ tt ts to 1 catm» of i>e«c* *that *x» XnieriTo<dsy o\if natlohrtl vīif. 1