Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 25, 16 October 1940 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

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EBTATE OF QILLIB GOODMAN Notiee is hereby given, that peUtiou and flnal account havlng been m«d 1« the above ent!tled estate by W. H. Bwrs, admlnlstrator; and M!d i»l8Hon aud flnal aeeouul wlll be T>y the Thlrd Cirqult at the Court House at Kallua, North Kona, Hawail at 10 o'oloek AM. oa Saturday, the 26th ot Ootober, 1940. Dated at Kailua, North Kona, Hawaii, Sepfcember 25th, 1940. BY THB CODBT:— By Tho& C. €$sxfc, Sept. 25, Oct. 2» 9. 16, 1940.