Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 25, 16 October 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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This eolumn is open for contributions. If you have a good gag, send it in and u?e unll pubīish it t anil give your name the credit. —Koko-Nuts.

lt s <iuite possible thp Wriglit brotliers had somethi«g to (to witli the i>rosent danger that faoos the ilenioc-riU'ies. And it's not fiinny. DESERT POME NO. 93 He's rtdin' the desert Astride of a pony — A used car ea»esman Had too mueh baloriey.

Ai)othēr muoh needed invention is a noiseless paper for \vrapping candy in, to sell to people who eat it in the theater sest behind you. VERY PATRIOTIC

LiUle §treamllnes, who ean recite the Constitution of the United Stat«s and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, rearets at this tlme that she has or>iy one boy fHend to a iv e to her country. PersLstence: Geriiumy is still trying to convinee the world ihut she is wianiug the war, 1940 «Imlle: As popular as a war news censor with the pap«™A song we sing, A song of hope, The cauipalyn's over, No- more cigars—we hope. STiLL BIG HEARTED

When a «tarved lookfe!low told Sandy McPherson he was so hun. ( gry that for three days he was forced to cat

Br**s along the roadside in order to keep alive, big hearted Sandy fe!t so sympathetic that he said, **Aye. mon, that's too bad. Go around behind my hoose and ye r U find the grass is mueh ionger there."

MainlaiHl employs a whole fauilly by tho uaiue of Filler oii its siaff. That's oue ucwspaper nerer has u shortage of fillers.

Folks wt?o kiek because Amerj»s not bu!ldinu batt)eships fast enouflh, should remember that lt toek Noah forty years to build th* ark.

Pests: The furward frleud who eoiaes into tho niovie show latt &ud tkaps you ob the huek when you atv eaJoylng tlu> war piotures; the ofpest who jHH!ks over your slioulder Hm! t ri*>s r,> !vad what you »tv writiug; the niiwii who l>orrows r«ur unibreUa o» ;t rala> day an<i then lost\s lt. j


*tt mutt t«k« « f.«wtrliil lot o" »NWve to »hakc hand* v*iih th« #i»ntna &ar>didau, an<J mamlain y**» r compō«ur< while h« th*nk« f©r the vcte >ou d<dnt g«v« Wm." ASK V. A., HE KNOWS «» *xaa iliM&noe lneiw<?eu Se Bator-<-hv? V \ iVuMw* twase »»d ttit> vvuLt\ :-mUUu$ i* !f >~u a,.ut it, >ns *<njrsvir. ft«m! M«t of th« «wcpotlti«a; cand*«lau« w*rt fc*6k ei« th<<r by Tw«*- *(* <H«a\l«Sc Wi« , i Hta« i R* in\v r, IV A


<*l oi>uld juBt as easHy have been elected Senator, but 1 «2tdn't want to spofl my frie"nd*s ehances»

"People who stiek thefr noses tnto other peopies' business always

1 This ia CaJidiUKte Oops deiuuad|l«g an explanatiou as to wii,v 110 few iu l ,reciuct So-aud-j iJo. weui hai wire at tiie iasi uiiuuw wlieu Cuudidate hau eoauUKi ou ilus ceruiu preeinct to put liiui over Uie lop. Some ,workers stili have h !ot to e^plalu. | The onljr «m that hae be«n | uced in ihe Euns#e4n war so far . is the kinel that i« betng used in 1 the offtci*l commumque&. i Tiioix»'s an old sajiuji tlutt a roso auj other u&me smeiis just as sweet~but the Walloa rivcr is no, ruse. 1

"0«* good twri» des*rve« anolh. er t w uid the ch«f *t P«ge < \fyif, fl« Shop. «« h« g*ve th« hoteakc* another f)op over. HYMN OF HATL A jaiu> w*> h«{t» fs W«lure«i SS«k» ; VV « ««k tor tle!i. Bhe brtn«s us sn«w. | iiih. V A.NKB ARK o*MlNv;. I

Foollsh Qnostion Xo. 2922929: Do yOtr thlnb the nun\-hants; will carry Christmas stocks tliis year? Bunch of Mainland women are tryi«a to get a bl!t enacted that w.ll plaee a tax on bachelors. this is just a scheine to sncourage a U>t of fellosvs to enlist 1n the ftmiy or t)mvv. The worst is not yet over. There's stili a !ot of handshaking I to be done. I Lejrendary: Oneo upoo a *time there npas an «?nlis;ted aavy uiau •who <Hdn't know how to do tho latest darioes. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

get tnemse!ves disnked, but there ! are some people, mostly fema!es, i who can*t be contehted with using it for just breath?ng through." At the pres§pt rate, Gennany is| fast us!hg tip"her supply iu those iiir ra!ds on Britain. Tlio' f whole th«ns a lot of fiiei-lshnos.v! | Ft>r some unexplainab!e reason | ! the newspaper head!ine writers | d?dn*t pull any boners thīs week. f DEMAND!NG THE LOWOOWN