Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 24, 9 ʻOkakopa 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
HII4O Today, "ANDY HARIiT SIEETR DRBUTANTE" \vith Andy Hardy an3 Judy (Jarland Tomorrow arid Friday "LIU.IAN ItrSSELL" with Aliee Faye anil I>on Aiueulie Saturday Oniy "GOLD fiUSH MAISIĒ" with Ann Sothern and Lee Uowman $unday and Monday "VliiGlNlA CITV; with . Errol ; Fljnn and MMani Hopkins. Tuesday and Wedne'sday, next week «ABK LINOOLN tN IX>LIXOIS' M I wtth Raymontl Massey * i PALACE Today Only "HOT STEEL"' witn Bl*'har(t Arlen and Amiy Devino "OHI'MP AT OXFOIUV> wlth Lnurel aml Hardy Tomorrow Only "FRONTIKH t I TirSAI>K" \vlth Tim McCoy "IX>VK, HONOR, ANĪ> OH ! BABY" with Wallaee Ford and Mona Barrie FiSday and Saturday "SA DITYAN I'AOIIAMAHAL" with Lnrtta Goyena and Cerafln Garcia Saturday Evening Only "HANAYOME KYOSO" with Kuwano Miehiko und Natsukawa Daijiro "MAIU'TA NO KlN.ll" wiili n ca*t \>f Sunday and Monday "Fl.I<*HT AN<;KLSt v \vi(U Virgtnin "Kmee, W;iyne "slorris un<] I)enu"us Morgan "SON OF*i;OARIN<; I>AN" with Johnnie Maek Brown Tuesday Only "THE HI'MAN MOV9TEK" \vith