Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 23, 2 October 1940 — LEGAL NOTICE [ARTICLE]

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Civii Service Commi##3on County of Hawail ANNO\iNCEMENT Applications io establlsh ellg!bJe liBts for t!ie Wrt<3 of posHloasliiteil below wlll be aeoeple*! at tiie oEELee of the Civīl &e?:vice Couxitj of Hawaii, Kooni I§, rjvnnty Huiiding, Hilo, Hawaii uot later Oiau tU« <late au&. £i;u<c .^peviaed ; herein. „ CiosUig tiwe; No>ewber 10, 1040» ut 12;U0 o'eloek N'oon £xamination No. 18 fsr; i , AXItULMA.N ami MUIOIU'ATIiOLrMAN (Opeu - coiupeUtlve Ks.amitxatīyuJ iIOXOItrATKOL?aA>, L>ISTSLCJL OP KAU (pj»en-c«>iupetitiye Ēzgiuiuatiou} .. Agtf iiiuits: 21 yt;irs minliauiu, _4& Miuiiuuui wei«ūl; 150 pouuik lUuiiuuui litiight; iuehea. XJ&AFFIC i'UWeK U*rsuw&U&ai iiiaaiinauuu vuls) Ag« iioiits; 22 >ears miuluium, 5ē }e&cs ui&xiiuuui wust be Caited States elUaeai; umi uiust bave reside4 yū the Territorj- of Haw&'ū lTor three years au«i in tlie Countj" of Hawaii £or or.e precediu£ Uu? <iate of aj3plicatiou, whleh appiieauoa uiust be $w*>ni to oa oaili, For suUjects of examiuatlou. of exaiuiuatiOD. aiiil otiier iefiinii:uioii m\» offk'lal examiiiaUoii uuuouuveuieujUj ou huiieUu boarU» llooiu IS, Cou»U llik- 4 ili io iMiee Sutioo» or Oourti)omses ai Luu|wlioeiioe t Uoaok&a, >!orUi Koiiulo,, SouUi KoLaia» KL&ilua &ud Waiohiuu.