Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 23, 2 October 1940 — New Truck Crop Specialist Now Available Here [ARTICLE]
New Truck Crop Specialist Now Available Here
... , _ r '- 1 Farnieiv in the Territory who need advice on truek crops may now consult a inan with 10 years* experience iu soiving culturai and breeding probieuis, saya Dr. J. H. Beaumont, direetor of the Universitv of liawaii agrieultural experiment station. L»r. W. H. Frazier, the new assoeiiite horri< uiturist and truck crop si>eciali!jt at the station, eoinea lrom ihe Univergity of Ari2ona, wiiere he si»ent three years work<hiefiy with lettuce, cantahmpe.*, i»utuioes and tomatoes. Heft»re that liine !>e haii seveu >ears iu truck u'op work at the
Fnfversity of Maryland He Is ru • thaslastic about th« future of trucHl cropg ia the Terrltory. | "I aui very alaō," Dr. Frazier| «ald, "that I arrive(il just at thls' time, wheo cimnges in quaranUue ] eMpmeni* to fo« malnlana hflve glvea tLf j gr«wers a whole uew market," ] Dr. Fraaier say» his iiiost kupw- i tant work at Brst wili prohablj be with the tomato crop, breediug for resistance agaiast diseases and m- i sect i>ests that are the od!j ol>sta- ] cles to widegpread wlnter towato production Ln the Territory. Dr. C. K. Piirris, p]act pathologist at the stati»n, hae beea workiog toward resMaiu varieties oi tomat<>es for some linie, and Dr. Frazier looks forward to cooperatiūg witlt him on this iirobieau. (>ftier eroj}s in whk'h the uew<t>. t»H-r ls cjg»ecia3lj inte:rested are pep P<t.s nnd eui-uttibers, "Arizoaa's pn>bit'iu» more sl aālar t<> tho»e Sn Hawaii than are Marjland"s," said L>r. Fratier. "Ia Arixonu they iune to tisee irri **t!on. fln<l tn part of the state
jat least fW Varro "wfnter Aniaie' " ]kad» to wiulei' produ<AUui aianv ] of thē crops grown 1n tt.iwuīl at tfie \ <u3iit- *ea*o<i."
Fretl Ynjjiig, «Tr., of īm> Angeles, , wHii th« U»w for fh«» eonaīmelion «f fli<* new TH!rt .-ihMh* wI?P hyu»H», iii> hid f2®,ROO, acc<iril- - t" r<'iiort fr<un Wa«!ti(jg4<»ii r Tut*»iiiy. | Ot.l»er I»iils were m*lvetl from Kv'c Sti'vl Congin). tloii 0<». »tf 'l.i.h $2*\772 hi;<l llansc'D, Mmioluia, $30,800