Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 22, 25 September 1940 — Costly Fire Visits Hilo [ARTICLE]

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Costly Fire Visits Hilo

UūQ'A MM£iA Jke J» tWP ;s«CB stwt#a, Tuejjda* «aomiae» retoa*e the sic Co. and the Moses Co. Most o£ ti»e upper story of tie buil4io& was almost completely destroyed. A great part of tbe 4amage oa iiist srou4d floor was ciiu§e<i,bi" water Jrom the fire hose, Mueh of tlxe stock of the Hilo Drug Co. &nd the Moses Co. -was ruised or badiy dacaaged. "Eke ftre wall prevented the fl«iu«» bx>m apreading to the Beamer Hwdw&rt; slore aud the ab§ence oC wiad k«pt th«m froiu si>readLDfi to the otiier bulldiog6 on Walauue uue streeU to«ether with the o£% Hiig «nderafcv pervis|pß of Fire W, ~r _ to the buildiug a»d cojtt teuta of,th« thrse storea iMSh'fi& ihe HUo Beauty Shoppe, the twc dentaJL offises of Prs. A. aad NLK.U bo upatairs, Kawasaki's law office. and tiiree wu§k atgdios is ,roughli estimated at.5?5 4 000. The «iana w&e tur«ed ia at 2; 40 a.m. by aa unldentified Japane®e man who llves nearhy, A secont3 alarm waa tumed iu "by Ernest SyT vester, watchman at the Hilo Ar mory. Tlie flremea had tbe blaze uxider control in. halt an hour, but it was a.m. before il was enllretj subdued. A6csrēlng to SterliQ£ Hebert, bookkeeper, damage lo ilie Hīlei Brug Co. alone was about $40.000. K. Oda, an employe of the „ Hilo Drug Co. was injured whea he slipped on tho wet 6idewalk and cut h!s arm aulte badly. Tto three *loreg ot the flrnt are st|lt opeu for busin*'ss in sjūt<> of the harsdicap. The>itchen j of the Hilo t>rug Co. was icarcely j damaged and is stlll able to func

tion, Mrs. Kate ldemoto*s Ililo Beau:v Sbot>pe -was comptetel}; afi*Vroje& | with a loss estīmated at ?1500. 1t I is SuggeSted flie fire fhat i ihe r ro rtiay hav? ori.dnatea ther> Losi to Dr. August. M. Kubo"ī dental wiuipmenl ts ai T)r. Masaa Kubo.*s d«at&l oftux suitmd about |2ŌO &&»*s<= Kav\jjo Kavf&safci's law ottk*c damaged about $1000 wouh n ot Ms law books w«re <icstroj< - . Loss to Ivose liu'.a s: .; dio was about ?SOO laclu4Ui£.h'': »laao, Tfae mu«ic atu4io« ot Mrs Ar.ti« iiuiaki iim AWiae Cot-w «' ■ • «IMI contßiderabU !? beU«v«<i Uiai wottl ot tbcsc t carried no iusura«ic>e, Uu.Udūk«, *as buik o\*m 5v )-ears &so. This i\as tiio lar&cst do*:;iowii fire sicce ilie bi£ oue o£ t»x? j'*-ars a«o Oe, CorporatSoE aad a auavK-r of otht>r firms *uffarrd ■ about HoOa'W d»niago. Acoorduvg 10 Harrj tv>sn ASV' of * K <,- >lilo Pms Oo , wiii bo u;*vic lo; -.<. of & a«w buiidin£ aooa as possible.

&e ikHika aoi ana xu «pwUio )n4«iatua 1 kela bmu l.t. aok ■w» h«t he tt »N « «Wv Iw>uwi. O lw matili«t ol* r.o Kh he. hf «IMK m«iun» o na laamao uuukal, *ete « k* ix>to« i aku 1 k& Ik*h Waa» fe*. lfo)!kfc.-i kH UWW t kViA K.;U 4UA M w IM* !s imna atia IK-. he 4w»ki« « tw wrt*, ao«K» v i ka m'o waU «x»» tw mkh«. ata. « v\\ m | i NV4aSt&, l l«siu. Vv- ■ taih» im>ht> r lafc*Ul«, o s i* t ic haii» n.a:u&& ' 0 toAa sl 1* l iVS. !p» «|V*W