Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 19, 4 Kepakemapa 1940 — All-Legion Band Is Organized By Honolulu Veterans [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

All-Legion Band Is Organized By Honolulu Veterans

! FSred l»y ihe e»thu<lam of newly eterteii Depart!uent Cotuuian<k'r JUex Wilis of tlie Auierlcau !Leglou, Schofiehi I'ost No. 0 has <>rganlzed the flrst all-Legion band in Hawaii, whieh has been named. "The Le- ' ?rion*s Own." [- This organi2atioft is compoeed of ! Legioiraaires who are r"egular members of the bands of the 11 th Field ArtiHery, the 19th, 2lst, 27th and 35th Infantry. The baud rna.de lts «rst appearance at a meetlng of i*ost No. 6 last week, and under tlie leadeTship of Warraut Offlcer Kurt Uaden, director of tlie 19tU lafautry baud, did itself proud lt is |expecteU tbat "The Legiou's Owu" j wili be a great feature at future Lei gion gatUerings, "and iu all i>rt>babiiny wiii vi«it llUo next Au£ugl duriug Uie auuuul convention, wliieh wiU be held Tlie baud is the braiu-cliild of Department Vie# Cozumatuler Jack Liddy, new!y ai»polnted ehainuan of the Auierican Legiou meiuber&lxli.> coiuiuittee for the departuient. He i euju,\ ed a hi):hy hUccessfol j ear as ol' ikhulielU i'oi>L iu 1939. "I feel sure that the I>egion iu j Ilawaii will enjoy a suceessful administration under Comuiander WiUs," Mr. Liddy stated. "I am lng to do iuy |iart as &)einber«lili> ehainnau and I ask every eligible veteruu to rally to tlie I-eglon baoner. i am sure that everyone rea-1 j iizes with the world in iu present | i turtuoil, that thi< will be an lmj>or- ■ I taor year for tlte LegJon io the | i i»m>port ol oar couutry." ]