Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 19, 4 Kepakemapa 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
Today, Last Time "WK AīiK S'OT ALO'NE" willi Puul Muni nvtd Tane l'ryan Tomorrow and Friday "ONE MILLION 15. C." with Lon J Chaney, Jr. aud Vicior Mature. Saturday Only t "THE CAPTAIN IS X LAI>Y" with CTjarles Coburn Heulah Bondi Sunday and Monday '\NJ£VV MouN wiil| Nelson Eddy and Jeanette Macponald Tuesday 6n!y "BTLL OF r>IV( )R(TvMKXT" with Adolphe Menjou and Maureen O'Ham ' PALAfcE Today, Last Time "SINFI'L soLLS" wnli a» all star cast. Tomorrow Only , "LOST ON THli WKSTEHN , I'KONl'" with I'aul Cavauaj;h "MUUDKIt ON TIIE|\'UKON " \vith James New'ill Friday and Saturday "DILIM AT LIWANAG" witli Fernand«j Poe and Luda Goyena Saturday Everiing Only "DAN KYU No. 2" vvith Tak^iuiue Mieko aud Sahuri Shin "TKX(JU KAI.I YO No. 2" wilh Araslii Kanjuro. Sunday and Monday "LOST I'ATKOI." with Victor Mc-: Ij«}rlen :md Boris Karloff "THK MAN FKOM TUMBLE WKKI>" \vitli Rill Klliot. Tuesday Only "T.ITTI.K (>Ll> NKW YOKK" wilh. Aliee Faye aiid Richard Creene.