Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 16, 14 ʻAukake 1940 — U.S. Unable To Repulse Invaders, Says Sec. Stimson [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

U.S. Unable To Repulse Invaders, Says Sec. Stimson

- _ J tV" AI?HiINGToN — of War Īlenr> I. laal !t vrtiuld be for a' combfned fleet to be use\l against tlie Unīted States that would "outrank us in every class." The stateiuent was contained In a Tetter from St!msou lo tlie Senate tttttltary affalrs comniSttee In wfcic& he favored the conscriptiou b\II uow l>endtng īii I>oth Hb{ises; of Confor«Hfc ~" r 's»rtmsrtn «a!d 1t wouM «lso W ! pnssihle for enemies <if the Uuiteil States 10 have a shipbuM<!itiy oipuHty "oTltrfmJdng o«ps 1»y s!x to one." * Kor that reason, he satd, "\'ou pentlet»en, an trnstw.s of the uattoa, most give uWeniion to laml forces whieh mav Jiāve to be :i-onsidered. w He $tressed Ihe farl thal the fnlted States ariny, ln<>lu(tlttg the Xationa! <soarii, at pre.«ent lotals 405,(KMt meii as eonipared w!th 110lland's reeent anny of 500,000 auil Helsium's army of 647,000. "There are very few plae«s oa o«r bo\mdiary whefe a foe : it! c<i[it!xi! «! !he sea <'«uld tiot atl laeli.'* I» »aiU. ' "Wo :iro n«i{ ii.-t«:i!!y fta , ht!na: now j t»ut we aw surrouuUed i»i a worlt] 1 of war. : "lu the a i»owerfui Japa|nese fleet is eontrol3od by a powea vri,v i:ii*sely wvrking wiih the Ax lss." he as«serted, poiuting out thal . H woold he t»ossH»le for a f!Wt u

I» flso<t ag«l«st !lils vtbhh ver»a!<l w ««t ratik «s ln <-n*ry ! H»» <>harpod ti«u vohsiUHry cntl»>t. | w>nt hav h«»on u "Nni>i!y frtHur*»" 1 iUn! tl<'.-larcd ;in ;um> largv *M\o«jrh to "H attacV; ' Hitler" cou?d not Iw ralse<l by en-1 listiHent. He sahl tlie VniUMl s>tat<Ps ls eoofroated wiih a "far gra\er da«ger today" }stnn In 1917 wlien the World War Avl was adopted. l4 To«lay we ar*> faee to faw with a l*otent»a'! enom,v wliu-h has not ou!y Iwn trainsns his ūmvs for six years. V.yt is Unlai' puuīnj: them lnto eflVvr on vl?t!ms <jf <iormanj «nd fo(y*H»s thw« to fur«?sh war

"A ;«riKU>ut *rustt»*» mu*t (aVe 1« to tH>»»s3(l*-rnfton tl»At lu .>niotWr 30 »I#ys <ir»\U Britaln m;t> l>e o»n»nn s r aml hw fleet oome »nder eivoin,v ico»trol/" I |»l<'taml i»vasloii of the f«i|twl S»a(os thrvijrJi r«nm!a if On=at iHiiiiiui \vort- | SrtiHSM>n aw*(>aiYs! K l !lu> I!ous* 4 nilHtar,v aftulrs »vi:« t*» pU\ui tlu x cast» for i»n |s<tU>i»oh. 110 tlu' Tl<njst« «-om n»lthv thHt bill has Ihe «|>i»r*»vul ot tl«» war <k»i*trtiiH»ui »tnl th<» »<!uutnslration whu h \vas t»ken to {niply Presi<k>ntūil sanot ion.

11, n.|- ■- ;]•;•: v->-. rir:-.M-. S • |«Mtly syst«n t>y whleh lt h;«s Ihhmj • pr«soon tVcU « «r«»4il anm , ««n ?v |r*«»Hi . . . \v«rs aiv n a |<IkH'I«JXH{ . . . w*» h»VO OlkOU£h |«xi«>riHgivy 10 see th&t HIl U* tak«? wuvh timo to sm«\ v." j lu to Ho|x l>ewv«v j Si«ori'& v»hiHlu k r \U»ruiauj j u uulU »ku U' lw hu>,\ vwu Uu*mvhl tMthms iu suU)*rtUitt to iu j i«<h? (ik' Suiuvoi< t j>*m iuiiu ,\xhw visi«Ltt; tvi ltn4 )i*va«fctt? IV>n\ ,u>a <\«j4\k»r au «U«tck ft\«a tiw airV i ĪiO vVs4iii.ilUV \OIW U> "ln;St t>» utt\kr tlw oun^npUou li»iU u» tlic *i ti I» Si mtWr thAti 1S t« tU &>■ $rvU 4tt 4** biH . k4i«r tv» Ua«? »Hi*u ««wmiwiw*» «>k«Ji tk«t ttoo Vaui.si uot tk»|iTsvo IV 1 lsl«*uls o,' thr tau*fit o? U> i«V'Us j tio4i, | *U Kt» « hHtw <Vvm» f.%? M |U Ut« rMil(l(H«K>!. »MMV «<»f\ tO i *Uat Uou Ui M».uv 4>0>«54 |Mv 4U tI»U- tofc)fo»faN&'* W |*4V4vv oT thv l*4t* t.Vi»4»,,K, *.4^jk« v #v v V ... , v . !«*£« <« Uw l*fettwi £ui«x