Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 16, 14 ʻAukake 1940 — Whitehouse Approves Farm Loan Relief [ARTICLE]
Whitehouse Approves Farm Loan Relief
ADOPT£D BY REPUBLICAN PLATFOf^M HONOLVLC - inu-Uin.lina puhlk del)ts? to the T> i i'U>>ruil Earih Loan Ho«rd l»ave Ik.mi nit iu ilie i»ast iive joar», 1. M. Whilehousp, (inmnl.of iniiille
H« w»j.H»netl cui*ivnt uutst;uulUur | d«>bt of $2*JO,<KK>, iuosi uf wliieli aro j *H»nsitleroU unvoMorU'ls!t\ ;»* t oia|*areii with $510,000 five yt ai> j \Vl»itehouse re]>onp.l Uua ivfinanoiu? of the d«bts, as itroiK>se<i in the |iiatform adoprod hy tho Kepnhiieiui juu ty ;U iis ioinoiuion here <-ould ho authori/.tHl hy tlu> logis!aturo without si>VH-ial api>roval ot eonsrress. Hp the lcgls!autre <*oxil<l cnt tho sntor.'st rato from fivo to thr*H> pt>r o-iH ..r prov!<lo for Hh 1 l»aynw i nt of tho dohts ovor a "W-yoar }H»rio<l. This wa- <?<>ne 1« the oase of tnfiny ti«o»is hy l>ona»stoadois umU'i' tlu- l»Minestoad aet. Ho «U<l many statos have eat tho lutorost rnte «>n fann loan rt<?bts. Totv.r?vss roflnaiiohv£f uiuiei a>av*'imHil«> ol" u**bli; tot«ling »«oro ihan $300,000 o\vc<l hy hoiiiosiea<iors ut Waiakea, H:\wail, ami el»o\Yhero in the terrltory. Those loans are apart tVorn lom* matle hy the farin loan boatM whieh aro «ot ««"'emoa hy nsitioiw\ houie siead laws,