Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 15, 7 August 1940 — GOP Conclave Drafts Platform For 1940 [ARTICLE]

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GOP Conclave Drafts Platform For 1940

HONOLULU The c»n pnrly of Hawaii ilnouph U- pta'« form for the 1910 elootion caiti3>aign ,on Tuesdav wi:nt on as favorins the cstalilishme7it of pencral industrial courses !n all high schools, stan-hooil for Ihe Territory, and the io]k£ o£ līoxQestej)(l--ers who may bc irL<lebtod <o tlic farm loan. board. The p!atform, di affod at the platform conventiou, further i)ledges llie party to eonnnue sui»j)ort of the present eh'il rvice system an<V advocates the sti( ngtheiilnjj of .Iho law under whieh Uie deparuuont of lahor and industviid r»'lalinns w:< erēated in It fāWfS the ;uloptiou of a uni rersal sy'stem or jiersonal cln'ssiflcation for aml county employr*fl, roabrortionmont <»f tlie rneTObership of tii< V£i*laliire, ani'! : thp cre«t!on of a lop:tKlatU'e eoun - eil. composed of members of 1 i ' lwiises, whieh wouid malie a eon ♦inuinp study of ipniioiial affairs between sesslons oT tlie lepislalnr< As forecast !n a īīonolulu p:> laet week, Foster L. Dhv)s wap ro elected ehaimian of tlie territorial cfT)tyal commsltev\ s. E. Botelho was reelected a? vīce chairman of the committee, P. P. as treasitrer and Jack Gomes. ,Tr , as seorotary. Albert K. AUuiui electcd assistant sporeta*y, r(*i>l;icii!£ T?ina Mossman, now sorvinp as natlotial committoe\vomau Members of tho m ivly t*lectt■«' central committee roliow . Hawaii —Andrew Ppaudiiig, Ricbard J. Lyman, Tiiomas Pakakihan» } l:in-ewn. K', .v r\; Pil\ '. IV-. €, L.. Carter, Juhan K. \ates, Wiiliam Cushnie, Francis K. Aona, Theodore Vredt'nbcrv r , K»Ui»»th l:ond, Chai les. Nalinlo. Maui H«rry A. Bahlwm. ehailo* W. Brooks, J. \Valter Cameix>n, George 1\ Oooko, W'. C. Jeutiiugs, Ray M. AUen, W illiam 11. En.gle, David K. (Duke) Kapohakemahewa, William Walsh. Kauai — Faye, Kīcholas A. Akaua, Wiiliam K. Maliikoa, Albert Horner, Manuel J. Teves. A. 11. case. Oahu F. L, Davis, P. S. Pell, Johu E. Boteiho, Solomon Tyau, j Samuei Steiniutuser, Tlnmias Mossmaii, George l H-nison, T. Kīsliimura. Harry Newman, Havry 0. Thompsou, Jaiuos S. Aclioug, Jolia C, Luno, Staffovd L. AusUn, Kin Luke, Kelson Jack A. Gom<is Jr. I Allu'ii K. A\;ui,i aud OliUou \aiuai uioto. i The follo\v ius were elected as i meuiluMīi ot Uio executive eoiumi? j uv «»; ;!(«■ |wn,v; Aiulro\v SiKiUlin^

arta Franc!s K. Aoaa of Hawaii, j I Harry A. bal<lwiu of Maui, Lind»ay | j Faye of Kauai, Sainuel Steinhauser, ] rfoloinou Ayau, Jolin C. Lane arid l Staffoi d L. Austiu o£ Oahu. - n v.ea4gft^.oJit>MWs4-^iaL »he; t.i»i !,| ri "f , M.IU polloi. '