Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 13, 24 July 1940 — "Silent" Supervisor Talks Very Little But Gets Results. [ARTICLE]

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"Silent" Supervisor Talks Very Little But Gets Results.

tfeH»e toiks, a» weil hm aa&ie aews oiien r«tei t« SAkuiclil Ss ka«. co«aty suptrvisor from ihe Koaaia disinc-u &* ihe "6ilt*nr" &ay «prteor. Stipemsor Sakal admits that iie is n<M inclined to be ti&lkative. espectaily when ihere are bi£ prob iea» to settte io eoiaieelioe w!th eoanty affair. But he does a loi «f li»inkmg aod has accompllebed miseb tor his district H#re <ure some of tfce projects h* has put ovt-r for Kohiiia. Mr. &akai was iD£trumeulai in 9ettiaK &c *pproi>riatioiu !or lh>- »>« to*ti from Kokoi&i to * nTe-njHf Mretcb ca?Uiig $1 Thw ww ro»<dwa> & now rally He f«th4*r«'<i th< ! proieci for tbe extensSo» of ttHi? road frotn Kapaau to whmii ibs beīag buiH ntr* unā±r \X¥A sutfer\ī£iqu, at,d h tiirw mUe «Lretth. T«o n* w »cbooU a.n ttkft rMiUt oi tu* efīs>rt*. tb« nr* Haia.aia &cbool «uu4 tb<* acfeool, bot& coiXj| l«t*4 it. I?3£ Supervis,ot Sak&i *as ir.su uihīd t«i !a lukvta« * oe* buU: lor tbe f riacipal «»f th« Kohala aehool atul « Sui4ex coit&jg« fos (««ciKri>, bolli oo» uad«*r construcuao. tai lfS6 school departi&?s3t «uted to HiOVf sevfn cotU£«*s to a aew site, |ust oppos?tle lse KoiMl* scbool To do so it *as u«es«wry to «cquire l»n<J fo: tk» aite. Mr. Sak»i suee*iNied !r; tMnc*astn« |*rt of l!i *«** fros» A, W, C*rter. tru«t«e ior the Piris «r Hueh. Md thf bal«SsCi» t»C I? trew tl» Kokaki ?«tigar Co. T!n «crf i»cn-*sS tc* IWMlaa lwrt T*mr. A fv%r R n#w ts!gh b.-«iwc B*e***ar« \t 3 v>'mwl» t»es:?>tlat?ns. h* la

»*cquirms I#.2£ imme&Ai*!? I <*n the *>s*t ot tlw T»r*jv ?:! l&eiMMl, U.ii- ve&r, His- fif*t rsō?l i }<ropruUK*& ior thv nr* WiUiM*-.

j sa&rcUw _Im» «ccto4 ajNttv> * aiial««u <* fre» mW l< |W#jWf» | e*c& ?«*r I«nt lbr N«rt3& I Jbūab«i« 4ist,r4cii- Ut; \ *.i;o%iS |jeelft. He ts tiae oolj IV9»oci%l os {tite «omiu boArtl ««'. <»T liw Se^r£; j<i>irat a kui dmnct *ad % {««rrace .MaiMO *L i» l«*UHNeew«Lio< *Wk ti afeij. |4NM*A bj Mi«. Mu. w ftc ī? _g t4mwfrtei 11. L. Uoinu*, | kM*A M«u{ AUOJ t?v\ t vA«u I Uc «a»«n<«4 A*.i :<« %|S l" l <i €*U4.mLui: vi,.jk I«a

I ~ : | 'IT«rr hami Jb vm m. j4w» wee*,* T»r» •<«<»» lt *iii mmkm *$smm «»ivi Tm. | l~%m «®c tiK: U_ii4*.*-«. I&a4* &vh» telli i, a»4 f r vU»srk. tis »x ; ;!*• §js, ,4*tw«u e; li« *>««>£} Ws;\!, v£ s-3. |t*TYip«g> * «Uk w®4 p*civ4-