Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 13, 24 July 1940 — Halaula Postoffice Opening This Week [ARTICLE]
Halaula Postoffice Opening This Week
I Haīaala, In r|ea?er of 1!« K<> Ihala «tsrrfot, »<»w Ijsv s{s o»a jxv& <»fTSi"p. v hirh ,m AYcthi^^a»\ of thls mWk lf tYs*» | !n»fHxU»r J«rHrpd <m *rh<*taVK !!»• w a > f.*r | 11«ng l.iilk*?, who has >>ee;; poaj »%»*=: er at |for lht j>&&i K ! !}<ars lias be«n pvsuuaa |ti»r a: aad i-ae. Mrh*"iJuicJ 10 j a«Htw Ms aw U|K<U Ī!U« U | iujp of tlte «»inoe. ! > .<■ Kiiīiii;.! t<v aJ> TH u rot>UniM< wllh Hi.ra4' . s K<t)ial« UMEk. *S ift<l{Slt£ TUe wpw jwsl «IR ve Mxtuv\S « t»eiiiioa fc,vd h*e*w VŪ lv» ilw -iwienii il« of tfeat £ft»«rlu£ o-aiUiU It ls 1« iW m*r <sf liw $3sar CcvV phuiuiu** su>w, a«iW 1« tbe Rjf% Koitev Si«x4k $ 1b *he lmtti«au|L<e rs<teiuj the lO<»s<»lkSat£d <W *n«*r llHMiīe? i* ««&r&g Ii is % |feeauttt*} «tntci«r<e, wivfe & <mjww?Wy of I