Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 13, 24 Iulai 1940 — Nat'l Guard Drops The Married Men [ARTICLE]
Nat'l Guard Drops The Married Men
[ Frvi» Uie >Y&C peawUueuL 1« i . W;i.shai£Um tyWW )uews llml iuar , rU-d i«)fn 4iniouj tht eulli»led r j?erauu- : ni'l of Naliouu} iMUtJS V»iU bv ] iM'i-uilUeil tu res;ijpi or<ier to i>re-1 veut unuec«&sar3 har<j>.LSi?s r&sult-; ing from tbe possi» i >le mgbllisatiufi ] of four Nalional Guar<l ōlyisioiis. ; ilaster, staff atid teciifiiical ser- ! 4jeants, wh.ose pay Is cy|isi<3ere<l ] hi&U enouysh to £auiiljv| «111 b« eii«;i;te(l lo u-iuln their btu- | tu-s aud repori for, active duU if | ealleel, wb.ether tliev ure oiarried or ; not .. 1 Presldent has jpro|H>seJ . that 50,000 oaLlonai. guitnlsn*?n l»e i ialled to duti' for a year ai ilie enriit*st opiK)rtuuity. < Uongr«s«loDiii autjhorlxaUou 5s ue ( <>essary, bov»ever, l&fore ilie guurU , «•hh rm!n wifh r- enliu- armv tM4 wouiU uuder Mr. lU»«iseveit's {tru(iusul. i <>i. .SuuM»i, <i<ljuiaut geueHnwiiil. whoA %vhft!ier aml hf«M- the «<?w iiian* f«»r na- ! 1 sai<! tli«t "in«<irHr as tlie ! mnMliEalion* is eoheeme#—rio{ ut «11. Hawflii*s jro«rd tr<K>|** num' un. (tpr the ctai«lficatlou of 'spivlul hi Tsntrj * »o \vlijctt !he «irit**r «t»uM not apply. ' 1 "Howw. about married uien, Tfa t>ot «are. mAy l»ave t-.< >nt the t>arf: ap aj»ih a* u r<?<uli *>t thīf« Washinfrton act!on— that ls, ftrfv<»nt farther entj.*tments wf iuurrl«ni men. That r£stri«*tlon wa< in <*tr«>rt hew for tlie ; pnst or sei n»tv nwnlli* l>at «n ■ th* first of tliis | ninnī)! w rp?!rtTjiliM Ihe l»aa an*l m«rriert n«ri lnto oor rAnk?. *limt m»y Iw»y* to stoppeil tum. Tn «ny «*tw. ttieiV aivn*t a ttrf»ny it w<>w!on*! i>a\e n x>r>" fftr-r*»#oht»g " l*f*vwitMi *>f of snarrl«l meti ln ih« gusird 1%,.%ar or cs p-; N . n*:o:n.irj ; Ih\ ;uw. inMilHeiimi to ! <iii>por-. a faniiiy.