Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 13, 24 Iulai 1940 — Reserve Officers To Be Called Up [ARTICLE]
Reserve Officers To Be Called Up
Ati-oiding to I»L, Uol. Jjtmess it ] MuUh i't'y, wlio retupueil tu iiouoiuiu, ihis £rotu tU« iuu%la«d f wluire Ue wus a delega(e for Lhe liawuiiim, dta>artment of llie ikgei;vti o£Cicertj Associutiou uaiiouul conveuUou ul Okiahouia City last uiouUij, uiore tlian 10,000 of tl»e youuger members of elie officer reserve will be calied to active duty lor iudetiuiuj lieiio<Ls iu tiie very uear fut,uie. CoI. Maha'ffy traveled the £reate«t di-stauce lo attend the couveuiiou aud was given the honor of beiug the first of the delegates to register at ihe coiiclave. i Tiie eolouel is well kuowi' in . Hilo, )iaviug vislted the loeal v>st o£ tlie Aiuerioau Le&iou a uumt«vi o£ uuieu.