Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 13, 24 Iulai 1940 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii


Aiaaaia A <Hoo£aaia 3 Ka «Cakui <Hau>aii _STAR OF HAWAII (Printed in Hna!ish and Hawaiian)

Hii.o, HAWAii, T. H-7 !•< > vk7Vi u, mu"

hoku o HAyAi

Th» B£&r o! Hawall la publlshed *n the l&tereata ot people 7r{tL & vtew to prooiCtlßg , g«iodwtU aod preserving the language acd tradi i' inp Hawaliau people.

Yol. XXXV, No. 13

Pub]ished and £)e<lkate!d to the Hawaiian Peopli ,

7" hilo, HAU'AII, T. H, ttn>\EsnAV, iut.r24; i440,

Tbt» wcttori ot £• Hoku 0 Htw*il u pnu ted 1d the Englith. «ai»gu&ge f nr tic u? Osc >ouuger generitjoQ, many ot whooi Uo »ut

wasr>r WXO?l. £ditor