Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 11, 10 July 1940 — Standard Barber Shop Closes Up [ARTICLE]

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Standard Barber Shop Closes Up

iiwmer li. »U« eoiMlueUm* jUurUer ; Sl»op o|j W^^u»^iy^jbtrucL tUvS uliil wUI uio\ii jsUiirUj io liuuululu, giviug as his rea.<ons Uid; uf ago from people of hi.s owu racej aiul strong coiupetition froui Orieu- t ta 1 shops ui cut rates. Ihe Suiu.d-, urd is ilie last liaole harber aliop in Hilo. - - , - " 3 Mr. S\vick, who has heeu a. rcaident of Ililo tlie Uilrteeu $tiuxs, made a great many frieudu duriuj; his residence heie, all. of wliouu re-. gret his departure. Besides being an expert tonsorial artist he is au ailronnd k«vml fel!o\v. For severul years he was an oflTk-er in llie 12nJLh lt»fautry, llawaii Natioual 'Juard, «nd wlien h« retired froiu the serviee lie was oomutuuder of t.he Serv!<*e Conipany, tuid' no offieer was more pōpuiar with the rauk aud Ule. When the Servioe coiupuny was tran>ferred to Houoluiu, Mr. Swiek, with severul olher ofTieers, was re!eased froiu avtive jservice and pla<-ed on tUe reserve lisL At oue tiiue he was uiauager of the Bljr Island oftice of the Hooolulu Advertiser. untii that uewspaper elojsed all its hmueh o£fices. He is now disposing of his shop funiishings and houseiiold goods and is pianuing to leave for liis new tteld of lahor iu a few ila.ys. Mrs. £wk-k, who is a school leaeher in Ili)<>, will remain iu 11110 a whiie l<u\gvr aud joiu hcr husbaud lßter, aftei- she amiuge.-* a trausfer to a Honoluiu sclk»jl. For jears she was aotive iu Cīrl Scout work. U«th Mr. and Mrs. Swiek will be ( greatly mi>sed by the people oI Hi- ! !<», wlio- \vlsh Uieui i» s meir j īiow looatU>n,