Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 11, 10 July 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Xo\v is tmie f«.n s ull sinokt*r.s lo eoiue to' the aiil of tla'ir tokleei i <leul«n-s. 1940 simiie: As ancient as Bud Fisher's Mutt and Jeff jokes. HilL"s Shut> Shin<> p;irlor i-:iught' tire last v.eek -and humeii np the nulio. We wanuMl him ol'īen etiougli aj;ainst tettinj: u l»lay nmeh hot niusic. 1 Wanda Waffleiron, the belle of Waiakea, is hoptng to get a job with the new waTfle shop that is oper*ing soon on Wainuenue street. The Hepul>licans hnven"t nnirh hope of beating FDR if he vims for a third terni hut tlioy l>elieve that wherever there's a Wilikie there's a way. DESERT POME NO. 80 On the vast Kau desert, &eneath the hot sun, A man saw two cars When there was oniy one. Acoor<iinir to m-em t -ensus flgures the populatlon of Miiui sho\vs n decrease. That's so maay Maui t\»lks have nioved to Hiio, But the greatest per eentage ot decrease was ou tlie island of K&hooiawe whioh dropped tifīy per Cent within tlie past teu years. The 1000 census sho\ved a populalion of 2. The 1940 populalion i> 1. Tliis does not inchide the week-eiiiī fl?hiug parties that eall on "Mayov" redro, however. SURE! MON!

You ean say what you like about our friend Sandy McPherson, but he's a well behaved "mon." Nobody 'ean eVer

say that he has been goōd for nothing. When ;lie wouien suip alwut eaeh other to dlscii*s isuwar, know thinss aro rea|l> tlng serious. When Jonah Bireh of the Water department goes on his va£atton he's expecting to have a whaīe of a tlme. r HFE'S DARKEST MOMENT Wiu n you'v.> iiaul y>HU' \vsty Uno al) tl»e sljows at the OaniiMil au<l ihe \«m a froe puss. WuuUlu'i it sort ot Uiake y«u I\hM blue? BULL-ETIN

*tr we get !nto the w«r th«yMl n«ver get me tnto the jArAKKSK UKAI>V TO ! |X>< »U N\nvspnpor j But OU* liappon* lō « r,n,,u " inp ,l<H»r. w!,S, h i* « ih»ns: yh«t. Hitler by now has probabīy j htmKetf thtt €urop« ia «Mlne C*mp." HYMN 0F HATI A W< ( Is ntMuU>ry.vu yo«r < ar I),. xilv OH iVo SOURPU&S S*YS:

"Nev* that »o »wany women »'"* 3 c<ethes. it nneM kk.s».« m*r to

btthe prop*r th(ng fot" nsti ,v w«aHng — e®***'* > t>ew-iecg*<J r«es " ) K»4M <-« Ttf ' - * tth> ! Mll r « ( **<*«»» UVIH.W? ; S»y* St«Un to ] *¥•« Wa ( Y«u c*n h»v* pn* °*

But i want my part first." The inilleniinii will he here when newspaper> pui out editions that don't liave heailings desigued just to «ell iiKu-e vopies of"the paper to the ,irullible puhlie. Legendary: Onee upon a time there was a political campaign ! that wasn't crowded off the front page by war news. WAIAKEA WILLIE SAYS:

dnrn i)iat feller, Hitler, anyliow: It'is me five ceuti? a iiu.v l>uy :i newspaper to keep up wiili llial ft'ller's rasealitj-. AVLth llial an' iaxes up all the Uuu'. l'U die u lK>or nuui yit."' Man wants but little here below y And that is all he gets; He seldōm has too many things Except too mar»y debts. A Difl"ifult .Tob: Mooehing .a rigarec «ff a Seotolniiau sinoe the \veiit up. Miss Vera Wett, the pride of Reed ! s Bay, wants to know why we dor»'t write somē more Lim-mer-L«cks. Why don ? t you try writing one yourse!f, Vera? LATEST WAR JOKE Heporter: 'Tve ;- r ot a perft'ct uews siory." Editor: "I'i'.l a man bite a dog'.'"' Reporter; "Naw, '» bull j\m threw Hitler:" WHO CARES? Te th« worid a man is rarely missed When he adds his name To the sucker !ist. towg lady l>y tlie naine of liii-e ls uuu'rying u. iuasi by tlie muue ol' >tllne o\er on Maui. W«'i.d'T if ihe Malil Nows, wlll vali i\ ihe llu-e--eOUPLĒ PLAN TRIP TO | $OUTH SEAS 1N JUNK.—Newspaper headline. ? That's nothi«g new. Plenty of couples take trips in junks. ITALIANS IKSULTKI> KV FL>H heaiiline. t)nly a few years ;igo HiUei- ealle«i MussoHni "tlie halMvlaekāuwor i ruler of a tiātion of and s;uu that tlie <ui!y <oiii"-: I M' 1 . :be lta- i my nn«lerst..: .» ;« t:vat. : , Alui it the lialian- \\«>io o\ er u. they dU!trt say aiu'.Uinu ' i ■' i j auess she-s right j

Littie Stre*mlines, the front . of«c« stooo«. *ays shc thinks the ' re«scn why f«t men are &o joiiy ! j i» th*t they CHn't run *nd they J I c*R*t Wght, «o they h«vc tō i»uflh ! ! \#*y ©ttt of 4iff>cuit>\ 18 8Hi»l Hhloi' (WOS 1»U prpS*mt t «-Hion to \V«B« 4 *». VVHt {f th«» tnul) NWIY ki;u\vn, H ?ot »*r «Mlw? f*»Muw s Uu'H' pv--5 t? T< 4 «n?, <V,v« oau l! any \v:l\ \<'U ;i k.• 1 j Maybe the hcr-»e '4«§h i* no myth after att, Hor«es ait <ntei. »sgent *n<J «« faf't fcUme thctv. for («U9hitig whew th«y $«« how ! hum*n beina« «ct tc«ai js eaeh eth*r. Whw» \wrii \>m, ihi' Maui NVw s, tsko & w*ik. Th«t msv <H k £m\i! ;MKtiv hi* ri|jsa, h»M hr»w :ih<i'.iT tho iv.»v '**•»« who ts thr vtvt?m fāV>on arvVos-'* I

LAWRIT2 MlkeHOiH, ~ THt OREAT OANE, T0 SINO HERt. —St*r SuU«tin h«*4line. Ooeh» «ound« liKe th« H*« 90»« to tht Thv UusMan>. j»:v «f\» » UuuuuiL-u Aini W.u.o Tr««N\l\« Uia, \U.i Vui-k\\N VNvUUi hko |W V<UVsH'. A'u.; i !.r.\ «.nu ;.ut i*v<ive. it*fy i« «haimi like * Kkk»L th*t'« wh> *« «ueh * he«L s'. Uh' IvUNJ-iiUi> iulvaū t\> in av»M UiHU t*;o,\ , j