Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 11, 10 July 1940 — KA HOKU O HAWAII [ARTICLE]
Establlshed April, 1906 ★ THE STAR OF HAWAII P. O. Box 1004 Office —171 Keawe St.. Hilo, Hawaii Honolulu Office Phone 5917 . 917 Al&kea St A.lso addresa all con-espoiideac;e to P. 0. Box 93. SUBBCB»PTiON RATES l Year - : -..$3.00 (Cash iu udvance, $2.00 "i € Months :..„.„:$1.50 I Advertising Rates on Application Entered as second class mattei at the Post Oiīiee at Hilo. Hawaii Under the Act of March 3, 1876. PUBLISIIED EVERY WEDNESDAY By THE STAR OF HAWAII PUBLIS>IING CO., LTD. Treasurer & Business Manager E. M. Deaha Editor in Hawaiian Soīomon Anakalea Maui, Molokai and Lanai Represeatative H. L. Holstelu Kona Representative Thomas N. Haae, Sr. Manager Honolulu Office Harpld Godfrrey Circulation Manager and Editor in English J. B. Dixon ma na Poakolu apau AUHAU O KA PEPA O ka makahikl (Uku kuike, $2.00) Eono mahina - $1.50