Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 11, 10 July 1940 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii


Jilanaia A Moolaaia 3 Ka «Cakui <Hau>au STAR OF HAWAH (Printed in English and Hawoiion)

HILO, OAWAH, T. H., PO\KOM\ i<>, mn

No. 11

The Stur ot Huwall ia publUhed ta tlie luterestfl o/ the HawaHan people wi:h & view to proHioting gjodwīn and preserriag the language and tradi iM? Hawaiteu people.

V 01. XXXV, No. 11

| PublUhed and Dedic»ted to the Hawaiian Pepple

! hilo, hawaii, t. h., Wki)Nf;>day, july

Tbf» Muilea of iU H»ku D i» prisu4 in tbe En£Īisb iaiiguage fnr the af tk« youo£er g«&er&tioQ, maey oJ whoaa d& not read — -
