Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 10, 3 July 1940 — Don Blanding Is Married In Florida [ARTICLE]
Don Blanding Is Married In Florida
Dou Biandlng, poet, artist aui)] author, was marrle<! on June 13, atl Fort Pierce, Florida, to Mrs. Dorothy Puinam, foimer wife oī George PaUuei Pumani. : They iiave koown eaeh other 20 yeara, according to report. The eouple -wiH make their howie "in New York, aeeording to" state- ■ metSt by friends of Blandlug at Car-1 "mel, Cal., hls home town, I Mr. Blanding is well knoun in Hllo, having spent several raonttis j here lasit year. He or!ginnte<3 thf* • ■ populai- Le! Day In Hhwail. |