Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 10, 3 July 1940 — Naalehu Theatre [ARTICLE]

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Naalehu Theatre

| Wednesday, July 3 [ i-:\LI.KI> 1N SIIAXt!HAI uiul «<•!» iiukei' iu I'UAllilK JUkSrH'K Thur«day, J:uly 4 .īane With«rs in cXx TIIIS 4 11E I >IXIIO tm<l .Tarlij Hamlall in TIllt»GEll SMITĪI! Saturday. Jiily 6 ! Mirkey liooney in HOLD TIIAT ! KISS aiul Kiehanl O'omwell in I MI.I.AOL IiAILN pA,XCE i Sunday, July 7 ) :Shirley Temple in l'<)01i LITTLE j ĪUOH GIRL KH\'THM IX THE CLuUDS w ith Grace Bradley Tuesday, Juiy 9 THE CATXINt> Of DAN MATTHEWS with Ricliard Arlen Sel«cted short subjects