Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 10, 3 July 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Lizzk 42-vear-okl at īlio 1 , Philaelelphia zoo, (lietl this weok. | At t£e ssame rlme the o<.>l' elciih;mt ' took oii a ne\V lease of life :n the ofd Quaker town. Mahatma Gandhi says the onty way to defeat Hitler is through ; passive resistance. We were wondering what the people of Po!and, i CzechosJovakia, ■ Norway, Be!gium, Holland and France tlunk about the Mahatma's remark, WHOOPEE!
Wt>U, tlio otrous 5s iit imvn agai» aml tliis U<e way ilnstuali boy iv»>ls ahour it. Not even Hitler seems to know where the French rtavy is. Just now a lot of fo!ks are beginning to wonder wt»ere our own navy is, DESERT POME NO. 79 On tlie vast Kau tlesert, Wlier«? road* aro so r»ugh, Sits a rathor ag«i Uutrist WUo says, "<.Uu'o is .t>uough- ,f Legendary: Onee upon a time i the average person could enjoy j reading the daily newspapers. But that was before the days of ' btitzkriegs. PHOOEY! ! i
Aftvr m-uw somo of tlw : afu j r v.' Ivm-In-<1 a ii<H l ni 5 * Tlt\vth v i:ui sa llei'HH 1 . 1 i - ! l H' il,fl . ' Ui' roumi i]tsU';Hl. l i Cigarette $mokers wi!l now ' have to pay 17c a package for * th#lr fags instead of 15c. 1 For two cents we*d quit $mok- | ing. ] Stiri2nlay \vas the ii;n- of the ,vour. ac< > ording to iho (br& lio\vovor, s;\y tiw luUjrosi day iu the yoar N tho «lay t!u\v ijave to j;-ot tlio w,vk!y • I »,i per out. Th« GOP ce«vention bo>s ar« dloing a Httie rough ttoUsing 5 acCorilifia to the n«wt reports, Se«ms Hke there must be a few lri»h »mong the delegates. J«sr :U t»HV linio it ajtpours ihut tho olopliaul; awl tlio ilurk horso «re partio«lnrly friond*y. ' 1940 «īmiie: As idie as tHi t Ēuropean map put»i«shers, Y» 4 s, īim'n Inno :i»i o*«i fH*hinno<! ' Fotir(t. vt.tr ihf k.h.i 0 a\ l«ko>i iin, , u\ M.ii> isi.- .ii; »>f ihi- . o',n\trv, _ | soy«pyss sam savs ; ;
*'Nō matt«r ho* min> Qood t>ungs a in n #mal? t.'wr do*s ?*i s l>odv
tak«t *~> net «? ;t. !«** when he s n etb g wc*i th« he oet* morf than h<* $Vart> ' ©f •ttentton' I *. rw\\u \i \i;sn» n\ \i:M\ s -. \\i«m \ih? Un v i.iko : un vtvsi<si St>il lin ni)!'; S*n Fraiici#cc eoup'e a»-«
\ foot junk "Confusious." Just a ! i little junket. | AXIS T() MAKE MEII€ILESS ItAII> OX HRITISII I£LES,—Newspapei- lieailliiie. ('IKKMAN AKUIAL IXVASION |t)F I»IUTAIX I>OI'KTFl r L. i - Hi'aiiīim in ne\vsp;ip£r, j tlay. | BULL-ETIN
■ m "i have n 0 doubt th a t in the end freedom wi'i prevail." I AXl> THK I cincrs.
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement | Co. Theatre6 7 HILO Today Only 'tN'TKUMKm»" uiiU l.osiio 110AVi<rtl ;««! l£t?rgiiirtn T©morrow and Friday ••SHt»OTIXG ĪĪIUH \vith Jauo Wi- ] thērs> and Geue Autry i Saturday Only | I "THE I»< M'T<)K TAKKS A \VIFK" | i wiih I.oivrta Young :uid K;ty Mii. | i 2and 1 Sunday and Monday i -4<J i.I'iTLE with Kd- j i «lie Kaim»r and Ju<iHh Atide»on ! i Tuesday and Wednesday, neKt week j ! "THUKK ■ CHKKUS Kt»U THK j ; IUiSH" with l'i'Kiua Luue aud \ I i *ouivis Moi'gati j I PALAOE I j Today On!y i ' "KMKUUKNCY SQKA!»" wiili Wil- ' ' ilenry :siid T.oiiist> «"auioheli J"TIIK I'HAN'I'OM HANI'IIKU" , wīili Kou Mayni)ird. i Tomorrow On!y ' AS, i 1 <»\ THK LKT»SUN" wīih ,Itd*u Uartield. Aim Shēridau ī atid i*at t»'Urieu i Fr»day and Saturday j "IUI'AK NA HAT<»" wnli Koruuu- | do lV»e und Lueiiu t;oyeua j Saturday Eveßing Only ; "TSKt 1H T«» IIKH Al' wkh Ko- ■ >ūgi I«i«QU aud knme Sliiro ! Sunday On!y "<'OXVK TKlt Wt».MAN" wiU» Uoilseiie limisou aud lris Meise<M?h "IU 1.1.Kl < <»1 >K" wiīh ikH»rg« O'. l»rien Monday Only i 'MKHi Y i'KANK" with Jīuues i \ 'uiiu ;uiii l"raueis t;ifford ' MA\ I l!OM SIM H»\\'.\"' with t i»urlvs Starrvit ;uui MeretlHli Tuesday On!y • <;rKI,IVKns Ti{AVKL" a ei>tor • » arioon f«Hlure