Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 10, 3 Iulai 1940 — KA HOKU O HAWAII [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Establlshed April t 1906 , ★ THE STAR OF HAWAII P. O. Box 1004 Office—l7l Keawe St., Hilo, Hawaii Honolulu Office Puone 5917 917 Alakea SL Also addi€<ss all corrPsi)ondence to P. O. Ttox 93. SUBSCRIPTJON RATES 1 Yeai »3.00 (Cash in advance, ?2.00> 6 Months f1.50 Advertising Rates on Applīealion Entered as second class mattei at the rost Offiee at Hilo. Hawaii Under the Act of March 3, 1876. PUBLJSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY By THE STAR OF HAWAII PUBLISHING CO., LTD. | Treasurer & Business Manager E. M. Desha ] Editor in Hawaiian Solomon Anakalea J Maul, Molokai and Lanai Represeßtative H. L. Holstein Kona Representative Tl)omas N. Haae, Sr. Manager'Honolulu Office Harold Godfrrey Circulation Manager and Editor in Englisli_ J. B J)lxon Hoopukaia ma na Poakolu apau AUHAU O KA PĒPA O ka makahikl * 15.00 (Uku kuike, $2.00) Eono mahina