Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 9, 26 June 1940 — Governor Favors Oath Of Loyalty [ARTICLE]
Governor Favors Oath Of Loyalty
An oath of alk-gian(.e bj all terpit<>riii! enip!yye?, inrluding a " W(, r!i statemerii tkat tUe> do noī n .. 10 htit jiari,v dcdi(*at«<) to Him < «rtlirow aī ōie t*.S. gtnem- «!, is favored !•/ Goveruor l'uiniexter, The goveruor said Monday tliat ihe terriiorial legi>huure woald do to pass a law sljailar io tlw of tiie Ilanh act of 1939, whkit t-alls for iuuuediate jf all federal emp]oye< who art tnembers of any pax;y « r orga;,Lja tioo whieli advocates the yrerthr«* (•E tJ,e goverameaL Tlw f.*'>vfriiur's Se<ereiary of tliv l»*rr,u>r> i'hārles M. Hite, < o tl>e }«' v,. ( rt<.,n , ai,d 0«rl Mu i,.i 1 ■«««}>».« fiork, ln\v si£ tli.lt ihi V iii,ini'i!it»ors ,>f mii> p«r*.> <>: i,-.. ii"'< ii<lvc. aiine «nerthr"w '■<: u»<.:oj>ies of tl.** ; 1«' \vtTt* *s«jt īu 'J is - £->•. fi. ;■> H.»r..'.-I >e v rt .-> a.t»terior. n *** l«*rotd tlia! v -opW c-f tl« saiUi> .»a!hs nri" l.t l>« .. aUicr fedtriiuj £>44.4 to Terrttory, IneuliHn* the <-a> k»ins ūeimniiwu'.. the~ i>ost office. ilie bur*aOi oX m, revenoe aod s)anj otiber oe*l*rihss is a good law,~ GoTerLo ?ai(! «rfc e Terrltowettld Tm» wlse to adopt a sliullat TfieaBBTe. tbo&e w"ho wcrk ft»r the jrorefnirjenl $h>wU be »ojal It. and !f fliey belotig to g.ay or jmn!taf!on f»vortos a&jrihtQ£ but ottr pn»sont tVixuvmtU fon» verniuejit thty slu>utd bc ftred, Ther>e is tw nv»ia for eo «ii our coveraiiiem lvsv mllw*