By EARL M. WELTY Of Pan-Pacific Press
This is "Ti*avel Ai'.H'i'ien Year". noi oniin:» 10 n pvoolnniation. Wnr in Euimih' ainl an nneas.v AUuiuie m«kt it n«tural for ever.voue, rejjar<ness of jK>titlcaV fwlins, to iisrw vitli tlio iliief (jswutive. liut tiie\ ;UI wam to know how ,vou ean tnuo3 Ameri<-a andi or īU trav«»l. il & uill'iouii l'oi &OIIH' Aiut i'iauis , ! to see how they oan stay in America and jot set'. starlii;hi in a mipie- sea. Thoi' aīl huve a-ieiuls wlui gliblj talk of lolllng 011 llio l>rifxlit, \varm Tllvit>ra «anJs, or hauei' iu lofLi ;uaialulUy o£ eoeon«t fr<>n<ls silvf>riMl hy n fnll moon 4 t»r »>oast of !if>arln!ī Sout!i Rea Islantlers strnm tune;s ln tTie l ?cented evenlng. TVieso tliings me:vns tr;rvel to the average Americ;in. l>7ir lie d<x % >7)'i >v.-inr to teave f Amenea to jret tliem. He or she liave t<> leave the Fnite<T Srates. Huwuii is u»e ans\ver, At the end of a tli<troughlj deliglitfui sieiiiner ri<le, foiir t»r so out of San Fr;uuis, v> or I-os Angelo* — you'iv apt t« tlie timo -- is mid J'adtio playjfrountT, iho lluwaiiau tssltuuls. Tlie iuter strotolu's of ooean ;\re i-alm, with«>ut a tliroat of submarine or mines. Tho sou, slato, gnty to start, becomos inoro blue willi ovory turn of tho sliip".s propellers. Tho harshness «»f a nonhem oliiuate gives \va.v t<» ihe t»ofi uinl gontle wanuth ot" iho Vot iu ihe uUuost t-easselesss irado \vintlA thero is. roirosvliinont iaivUv fouuti [n othof lroliieal or «?iui trt>i»loaT wglous. «i Hawan \s Aniorioa. It has so s..iH-e u l>ecaujio « territorj of the V»ited States baofe in IS9S, are to fiud in the Islantls a $chool system that has been Amerioan from ihe «4rtv part <>f the >»rh Ont«r\. They flnd «n Ui' 1». Ja.U" .Uij>porUiUv;u ;4steui 4h«t 11 tho cUy of Houo
. hii-.i . ;ur .sorvivx\< ; fi\«« isla»d to Jsland, be-j tiw>e« th<? and the Coast, aiwl repular stearaer aocoiunuxlii- | ti«is to the varfoas IsJarnJ ports, |It's bewild^rln4i: HawaH, «SjKVte<l to thtf» esBseu*>e of the i>rīniUlv«\ a»vi rea!l> fouml so, 1? Atso a i>art ®f m<Mi-pni ctv|Hi«d Atuortoa. Tt i? ,chwß-fUI! of s«ch <N®tt*ūlotv»O' Mt>si ta tta> l«l«nd!t o»rt,v thd a&ua? «l«i t«s of nrIU«K ī.lmUiHi. TH«\v a oustoni da!Uu{. fr<MV* *H» t»*,vs wh«ft H»wsti was m in ii**>*tniiNU mi m 1 flv*-wnt <«v « MU»r; txi llawaU. &s poa! WMIM havx» to dk> vw ! mui ynv«m ir»s«H Ts.Und |vo<vjvt<[\ Tiuvo owits (S«\ sn3. H«R*t ,wu li l Try lx> §«$ y«»ir <%r pas? «n Tt* \ imli» o tru!fl\* o\x*s, «»vl jM\»t <frar*! win m* «tth A m,i Afe^rī «*R j\Mir . •<t fey a r**i tU*\VL Cut *rte*l> )W o»W Īl»t «t » k*m&t j*tfv«iMaiao* at tfcfe, «n *ttti,«iū*Vr!S wWh * »wH Hw ho«jrt <& Mfcr?s «iW* W*\r#H $mt|s of' fa*hikvn to lft ite īlh> vtsltvv? : !ls o«t*V tts j «hM u*t 9ww ! r**t* * i*v>fvi*fc <§ of
aii<t flowers. Incomparable v!stas spread be- ] forp p«oh camera leus . , . meiuoni- ] We esperletices IncJu<3e pau£iog al 1 the br!nlt of Nuuanu Pall (elik) ] and loatiing on the wind lhat ] sweeps over one or Lhe worl<l's xuost ] beauriful panoramus, or paīuUng iu ] t!>e mJ«<l the fteetīng pattern of eo-1 lors iliui umkes Waiinea Caiy on ou j Kaual-a lesser, "but 110 !t ! ss ] ble, Cuiii«n. Tlic yveri>ow ] erinjj efTct t. yf stuiuliti£ on t.he j"ti» of tlmt i?igftntk- vraler Haleukala,, ; on tlie kluiid of Maui, to wakli a ] |su»rUe liurst througli clouds is aj i treat rares,v enjoytHl and aceordin£- ( jly cl»erislied b.v tte traveler lueki enougli to luive the opi>oriuiilty a_nd tlie liartSihood to sei?e it. Thsse,, | liowever, are mere items 1 n 0u ! | waK"s c«rMlog of t'liarnt!i. in il? strange auraetiou aU the , scenes of n«tural eolor auU grart', there is the \veird, c rea-, ture, KUauea, Uu- volvano fiery lieart is yt>orl.v i-ou>.-eale<.l lvenentli a cru>t of liardvue«l Us\u us lliiii is written. t?ive it llie >lĪ£l»test eiicMuru£eiuent, U īt> <H>uds in fuQ'. Muuua I.oa. si.«ter vo!<:ano, l>urs?t Uuo eruption in j April. Kīlauea, liome 01* ihe &re | KocUief?s, rele, prvsents a lUoui-anOi !o*ldities now jjuarvUnl auu pre>erved iu the Huwaii Nalionai I\trk. j I-Ava IniuieH nueer forinaūous, la ikon tho moluii rovk has ipoui\Hi from Us i\nariiig \eiu I throughout Uie c^uiuri<^, Uolij s l»reathing i?team lhat rv\ ea» Uie J «vUik ftres heneaUi the surfavx\ &U ! are a oonliim.iī n.v of iuterosi | to the visUons that Siovk io e=ee this | Hve vo!cano. , For KUauei\ seneru.llj conced- ] to be a of a pei li> Uie j īsUuiders wUo kaow her . Whonever s.?ie stsrts rtun;>A£Uvs . arouiiu. tj lc r o iv ; S Luuuedūiteis I>e i <viue fc!v>cked for xniles wiUi ira.*-
; li.' hi\\dt\? fiu- tJu- crater. ! aml alr tryn*i>ort oJTices arc l>dsk£ | xri£h pi\vsiKvtive lo get rlu£sMo &i tl;c j fīr< i atv I, st vn!iow ou Huwaii, &ut} i tatnl v ono ot [lu> gī\\uo$t. V nv v\irt*i. , M?n. woiiiou au<l clvU<lrou ! flwk!njf; fr\Mu a'l o\vr dio Uig U jlBnvt, &$> Ri*\\ aU Uself U e&Ueu, «uū 411 tfeo vHher islau4&, 10, ,U'i . oaratv*l xtiuc lu tv*J e&niei;» 1 AU thrw\*£h tho ?<mr ls i of tfet? llsw ■a.u&ii tlicrv Uro iiLiuros*itt*.\ hit w w otVTMi* jtv> IWI Attd «Ucixsl. K141&&. jWkliV& \wtorttvi, salUtvs, āslag;, *\\ ot tra.us i jK*rtattor t \a oouuuon as*? <si a&& wt« to lUe \lsiuvr i<* jfc«w H&waU \ud u * > \Vf tVW>T\] fvt ItMU) j for l»v nrī.tt^ jw»wm«X iUi iov . j*ne>ws V U waud io \kK jt*l*nrt< \v:il a ,M\l UiA; *C jifvfr ntiu j Vr. ot -Ae s»A>r*s i& lWftW %0«1,1 tv iL of 4«1 JLar '**«»» tV OrUT>t or oiWr Uui&. Tfc* oSv! cf bisic; ]%*« 3>»a &rarl& iu :*«<» tK>ugfc »v %ss s >.4\c iiiU* jt* «>sr* ;V*r rttcj «r\» »& «Axnl .-•* v-v> tW s«left<kr ywsrt M.-.'-Ino> v,. rn \%t «3 *fht tl\st iU\v<>ks» iW
■ I lOD£, sweet s»irai Uowa tUe Qeld is uiusic a» sure to clni,nu ilie ear§ of Httwali's ckutens. | lu aiiUiliau to the«*e *u<l ilw<ziar<6, u»,ssO|Use, les>6 ioter«sUus ilieiw ;»re tl»e olil tra«Uū s>iK>rts 01 tU&t are &o&ular us e*et tyOUq". Ousky browu kiug.s uj?e(3 to rhle tlieir ISi*A>i^urClHxiril> iu tbe slu>re W*ukiJtL &uumUu£ ervvt tltr | titett«ter bu&rtK U*tur' vi«uiii Um km&, fy<i a fruut } t uttl U»e ivr«i, rcs»l lv a pviut 1 in febi»re t a dt>U.U€v ot half a • I uiil#wf i«ore. Urtur de*eeuI «i4ut& 4m the same, uiaig- white, I iueu, «iud woiueu, io)l» 4 huY&jf&H>me ' | I K««rly as mueu fun, aud with 5 | sii«iitii less dang>er, a ritse iu & hol-: 2ow-k»g sur&ng eaaoe is a good se % cood. Xl*e caooes are j ii Uie iu ihe, right 4ire<tiou lie keet» luiu9>elf Ui»*ight. luru aw*g, froui ti»e oui J |fi«S«r Uur, *u<l i«itu too £*r, inm , aaU m>«t e4ie ltut Ok* |taavb atv k«u4>, »«HU« «>, |cre»iueu uf tl«e c*twe. uud U*s t 1« «4»ia3&. U«it«r iu| k u«\t luue. \ , VVi«iever tl»e whkke\er t | i«rt *»i the j!=ees ooe ,uh.>īu i ,iluuoiulu wiiU iu fjuued WAikiki f j K«»u« wiih ihriuitt£ 4et»|* sea , I &siuttg» MiUi a»U K&u&l, jfwr «4»ecua raai«uce #£ ao*ees &ud | tfv*« , f , Uwr \ i«itoc tu. jliaw«Ui wiU U»e\iutfil) *I>h tw iv jtMV. Ti»eneUi ih-s H*« »ii s prin<.i I iui l i-&*rm.