Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 9, 26 June 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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MuooHin' musi hnve lim! a siuLsum- iini'iuKo in tUH-lariiijr \var on ;U:lt* -Mhikh'ii. Mnybe lu* ,iu>t wants ii. !*> tlic lirst Mian io break the h;iiik a iMiinU' Carlo. " MUSiCAL NOTE The next number on the program will be a quartet entitled Svveet Adeline," by the Four Horsemen of Europe — Messrs. Hitier. Mussolini, Stalin and Franco. urīSoiiu'thinj;' or t»i}>er !s i, • 11, n<! wlio sct,;!s yon a nieo lmg u «.hly roasu>d peaiiuts, that ymi t »iy fond oJ", whon lu* kuo\ys vo«- h;ivo jnst hatl your tecth raken t'Ut,

BULL-ETIN "France wiii fight to the tast man." DESERT POME NO. 78 AU'iu' i>u Uio iieM?rt ]iī uuor . 1- ;i ukiu iu n far Tlku has tir«s lmt «o ' aif. Hītles«Hiates smoke, but where he is eventually going there is plenty of it. Wiiiulu Waffl<>iroii, tbe helle of Wainko.-i t<>wn. ?ave tu-r f:Uber a {wsont of ;i !iisr bajr of ror< orn on FuīliPt'*>; Pay. >;)id shr ri>uldn'l tbirik <'f anythiīiu' tnore ;i]vpropri ate. 1940 simile: As jittery as the British Ēmpire. HVri-KlM»ri. x K MKKT ENI>S,— liaiujer he.'ni in Mani NēwS. It -i'.wi unf<>riunate, however, that tht" h»«miin!r <-i»n he imeryreml t>v<> \v;iys. j HFE*S DARKEST MOMENT | When you dīscover that the printer has changed a word in '■

your prize editoriai, whieH alt€fs , the entire mean«ng, and the j whole edition īs off the press and ! al! the pap e r s dlstHbuted. ( WQu.ldn't tt make you turn green? - FAMOUS ( n;.-: p.'imiar br;UH? t'»f Hiinn». lsm» oIWWMI f-U' salp at u kv , is . thf> <k l>ixie I ti\on ' It"s s<> gtK>d tlWt (110 S(OIV ship it in f»St c!H»ujrlt. W.-'n' e»>uiric famo\is, witl) .';tndy ns, fi>mutHitiv ! fn ro!fs. !e;irninsr tliat one of Anipriea's iwst army js of tii«? > aaii now K<Mle b>rhan- ' aez bri»£iuī: :» star i»vrfornu'r to ] iiwn l»y th(> naino of Miss N»dln<> lHxon. A fow nion» hotvsts liko this f,n- Uio fanuly ««»< an«l wo'H Mvc to b«y a larfor lsat j BUT HE*S <NT!RESTEDj ] ANYHOW

Sandy M«Phersen de- t nies ihat hē is th« nan ] who invented frec kicks in fQotbalt gam«s. Me : says it must have been '

some other Scotchman wlth a "fre«" complex. j EMBARRASS!NG MOMENT ! >.»« £y> to t!»o s\ww ;UV«I j ōur lu « ] vJ;liion ;Uiri (i!*W |S OlK> O» [ «>r siivt<t. IMh HUS <VV j • t!' ;l!ld h<>th ] v<>-' AV.i-r<h'"» U svt yituv FRENCH FRONT :S TURNEP TO CHAOS. — Newspaper head j Hne. I We wtr« und»r the imp<*w;cr* th*t īt h«d be*n t >»-ne<J cver tf ' tH« Oewan*. \Yr ;iiu! IUiW i< « ;»^v<- »!»«-*»» *»*> "O vlM*rton l*>rtjrTh ■>. <*-> !l|r>\ .sn £*»t lliw of oti thf

"If you lose your job and can ? t get anoth«r In Hilo, and you don't

want to move out of town, you j ean go in the bus business and be a niekle chaser. uiulomaiul Tod N'urramore is looking for a liw pal. His old friend Don t)io i>oot s lias ponp nnd got Minst>lf a wif»? in Florida and i¥ti't <*ouiirig liaek to Hilo. l>on'i lako it so hafd, Tt>d, ma.vbe lio'U eonio back aftor tiu» honey- ' moon. BULL-ETIN NO. 2 "German soldiers are patrooizing Paris shops and paying for their purchases with French francs." 'Plio fact that Senator "Doc" Hill j arted as gup)>r conduetor of the Hawaii Oounty band 3ast Sunday, in a j s}ieiial nunil>er. proved that he is nioiv than just a leader in the Jfinanvial \vorld. OH, THAT GIRL-

Little Streamlines, the front office read in th« paper w?iere th« Germans were trying to eapture Nancy. She says the Germans ar« .no eenllemen when they piek on a girl and that they ought to be satisfied with capturlng French soldiers īnstead of becoming kidnappers. lii the face o£ the ne\vs froni il\e Frencii front, it is <juite evident the Freuch troops are uot gettiit§ ;»n\ lieip froiu Joan of Ai*c in this w;ir. Foolish question No. 9907] Oo you think Chairman Samuel M. Spencer will be reelected? KNl> OK THE LINK.