Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 8, 19 Iune 1940 — Liquor Commission Approves New Rules [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Liquor Commission Approves New Rules

At a i»peting of the Hawaii Couu ly liquor e*iuuiiisslou ou Saturilii), twu iuiponaiil ue>w rcgu!aU«<uw»«ri* am»ft»ve<L TU«we afftn i tUe eau ployes and eoaiUiioīk. al wl»t*re li«jti«ir is disj*eu?*Ki, and *re the aaiue as those iu force on Oahu. *RH»y wi!l he*-ome efTect- ! ive as sotin hs thcy aīv apiu\ived bj | iiover»or J ,B> Poiniiexter. i Th* aj»pli«iīk»ti or Baruko | Miyan!shi for a Heeuse to dii=pt'iise I beer, wlne anU sake in the heart of ' a re?«idential distrk-t iu Keaukaha waa rejecte<3. Two applleHtiotis wero iipnr<>vevl as we!l as tiie s;i'e aji*l IransTer of a for the Atiteiis īl«b. on ihe jrronn<is thnt the oxvtier> of the cl«b, I"H»«lge ltaki v r aiui S. lli£a« «re seU!«? H to a Ilonoluhi mat\. HeHw s» the tvo regulatious a* pw»swt<»d an& i».pjm«ve<2 l*y tUe R*B»Nlirvg Banit*tion **AH lir«H»s#Hi !ndudhvg ali f«rntshifips. utxd | tartdem to or «n the i»muts££, stoaV be kepl la n strlrtly elean and sstiitar\ <.-ondltioii. aiui al) Oriukhi£ uiusi he etTeotiv<% stedlise ! Ther t uuust be instal!ed wiiHiu au,v lioeused preMiaw igMO wUlvh is eouauiu*«d, *d«quate loilel facilities for malee and fetuales. These fau tūies aiso lus\v lUe «i»pu<\a! «I *toe U<Mird of Ue^iU;" ĒmployM* Ru!es "Holders of dispens!ers* iic-etises sb»H e»use a!1 ei«ployes i\>aneet«?d w!th the tilsj>eivslnj: or S*nvki4 llqwors to he re£tetetW. w l\h 4 U - a vsUd oerilfica.t« of hi!altlt of eaeh en>j\l. V pre mm*& *t o*e \im of n«U;ft tlofi KttlT»loy*>v S>m»l! t *f kiK»Mu rHarnkHer «nd 1» o«.-v u: ' sha!l W vaUs£auor} i v lUe i >*efi»tv 'isig ! The c\\niwilstsaoi\ t-K' r^l»; ' to r<efose. or lo iW ette * l»i<>yTO*»t o? sīij ivr>\<r. >V<suasS m ! It fwr #»eli j UewM** wUI strUi^ yu iU« *uui« hv;u,t>, iei iiie u* *«d ev«Q iuBi*iK« vt Oie 4t*.i&c*<e «e sit Tfeis iKīittru re%Kvti * Oī \Uc «vUM; *mmm &r, «r «4 Us« >«riHUk» uou wi j a**4 «m #e«K>as «U Wki4 t «Myi«fer *** *4**Ntt i««f\MX UW U«MT i*w *mM !>*► '