Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 8, 19 Iune 1940 — Evangelical Confab To Be Held Here [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Evangelical Confab To Be Held Here

j 'l'he 118ih ann*jal territorial eoa- | ference of tiie Hawaiiau Kvangeli ; r«l assoeiatton will be held at Uie Halii church June 19 to 22. WHlie naoat of the eeveral hundred delegates froia all over the ler rtt»ry wlll urrive on next Wednes day'a steamei, the Kaual delegutiou is doe to arrive here iomorrow iuor- j aiag and Suaday, j A fearore of tl»e conventlou will ' be a song eontest whieh wUI be parUctpated in bj several o£ the best Hawaiian choirs tn the tērrltor,v. AiTailgenaents have been made for the use of cars to trau»4K>rt Oie detegatejs rrou) the steiuner to 'ae ehupeh.