Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 8, 19 Iune 1940 — County Band To Greet Delegates [ARTICLE]
County Band To Greet Delegates
When the several Uuadred ikiietv tk« t«rriM)riai evattgelica! aaaoeiaiiou tynvenUou. wliieli wlli be held at the HaUl cliurcli uesjt w«ek, arrlve on tlie Haleukalu WeUuesday uiorniiig, they wlli ed at tlie wharf by the Hawaii Couuty band, whieh wIM play weleomiug prograin while the_delegates are diseuiburklug. Couuty Chalrman SamyeJi M* Bpencer has cautioned Bandmaster Gabriei Wela not to include the "Beer Barrel Polka" in the prograui, however.