Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 8, 19 June 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Is it. uny \vondor e<litors of uews- , pai)(»rs add gray hairs to theīr j ]R>ads every time they trv to dopc out the curreut \var nows, when it conies ;in like tliis?: BERLIX—Our air f(tivo maile a ruid *»n Eni:land lasi night and dri)i»pe(l 40 bon»bii on t.h« s>outīi v-oast, niany > as\ialiies ainl -tarting litvs in at least a dnzen ylaci*s. Kvery ono ot' our i)lanes renirned to its l»ase uinlania^eilLONI'ON —The rei)ori tliat <!t'ruian planes soverely duniagod a mui)ber of to\v»s on tln v sv>uth eoast ha- heen denit'd by the war offiiv. ()!' the 40 ralding i>lanes. sixm»n were sliot do\vn by our atui-aitvraft iiuus. 'l'lie oniy dain«{W <lone \vas tlie killinjr of soiue ehickens. KEKĪ.IN — Advaiue uniis of tlu* eenuau army liave broken througli the \Veyi;anil line aml are now \vitbia of l'aris. Casualties \vere t'ew. PARIS—AI) :Htempts oi' ilie (Jernuui ariiiv to break tliroush tlie Freneh lines have heon beaien ba< k with territk- los« l s. Four hundred tanks were destroye<l an<l thou sanii.s of prisoners laken. P.KRMN - Oonuan sub)naritn»s sank Hie l>ritisii battseship Wi>of otY tho <-oast of Nor\vay, \vitli its enfire ei-ew. All subs rotur.ne(l to their baso. I.ONDON—TIie Rritish admiralty donies the (>rm:iii roport that the battleshii» Woof was sunk by a <sernian submarine off tlie coast of Norway last night. An anaek \vas maile on the battieshii> hut \vas utisucoosst"ul. Ono submarIne was sunk. BEKTJN līitlor told the («eniian people today in a national ra<lio broadeast tbat Kngland an<l Franoe wlll be oon<iuered in iwo week^. LONDON—Prime Minister Winston ehnn hill lolel the house of eommons today that Engīand will nevor submit to a (>etman eonque!=t and that the Oemian drive lias jusr al>out reaclie<l hiith tide. And so we have the war "news." If you, dear reader, oan niako any &ense out of it, it is moro than this coluii)iiist ean do. BULL.eT!N
Says Hitler: "Our tr!umph ! over the A!lies witt mean s«curity ! and a happy future for their pee- ■ plee." THE DAGGEft MAN
Ainl heW l we have tho follo\v Wh«> pn>vetl hhnse!f Who fi!i h«> luul īhe ehanee T« pl«ng*> a kīHIV« in rh«> h«<*k uf Francf stick an»m>tl ami swe tlie fun, We'li takf» a ihe Wi>ps wiH ruii Just !tko :t h«n<h <tf oat Wh*»ii they iwh>{ t\w Fi\ v nrh 1» t«tii<», And Ilk\v*!l s<>,»n V>nrn ttn ] hH|fh<*r j h *PTW ā!l a rvH* nslut»r; ! AWt *■!»»« f bt-.- tWv'tv ] «Wi»f I We'H 11»*?«r rhsH II ! »M. biHM! h«ng | Wtu s ti huns«>r v!r*U»>v an<l fTvi>v,<anst« ' <!ip, j Tte?ylS wan' Vnow tlit* ivas«w ■ Whj ; Th*\v , H !t»nrn 'ioNi rhon» . t*><> - l AlwJ *ntr\ hhn Wi!h.»in # ' An<i her*'s, no* it . th«t the ar« caUed Ūa
goes. One evening, many centuries ago, Emperor Julsus Caesar and one of his generals, Was standing outside the gates of Rome just as the people were returning from work In the harvest fietds. The general was watching. the people eome in but Caesar was more interested in the setting sun and remarked: "Behoid, the day goes!" The general thought he was referring to the laborers, and from then on the Italian people have been ca!led Dago«s. THE DEVIL HAS A RIVAL The devil took a holiday Aiul saīd he'd visit Kartli— līe liope'l to liavo a plea<ant time And get bis niouey's worth — [ llut when he sa\v thero was a war | And lioav tlio\ today, 110 thought the niittter over | And <]eoi<Jeil'wot 1o stay. i Ile foUml that thinjrs upon the ! earth We're ?roitisr not so woll, And so be told his cliaufl;euE To drive him baek to hell. "I warited a vaoation Heeause I need diverslon," The devll told his <.lotnons When dorSdiJig tli)H ex\n>rsio», "Uut, when 1 li«irvl how HLtler's Uai!sing hell upon that sphere, I oonoluded I'm a novioe— And that's wh.v l'm Uaok here." Prestdent Roosevelt to Congress: "Please, ean I have just another teeny-weeny titt!e bitlion?" Wuiula Waffleiron, the helle of Waiakea lowu, is so duiub sl»e "status yuo" is suuierhing oonuected with County Auditor Harry l>rown's auuual roport. PATRIOTIC
Littte Str«amlines, who has re j turned from h«c vacation, is so j pro-Allied she refuses to eat spaa s heUī since Mussoiin« declareci ( war. I DESERT POME NO, 77 «*ii iho Afrioaa deseru ' Sō hot anU so «!ry. j Are a h>l u£ Wop soldiers , Whu wiil i*rel iy soou ūi e . j Rdt*t« has been dec!ared an ' ope« city. But it really won't be J opened until the Aliied pianes fly j o*er lt. rr KKKYS POSITIOX NotJ YKT ( K ItTA 1N Nexvspu{n>r h«';i.i Hn*. | tX't*s S*H\ iT"s uu !v ;i!h>Ul flvt» m«m»hv tm Thanksglviu« l»u,v, j
"Th« Haw«iians made « ®r*at tucc«u ef the»r Kamehameha Oay eele-
bration — with the assistance of the Japaneee, Pertugues«, Fiiipi«os, Chine«, Korean« and hao i-*»jrt}mtar,V ; <Uhv H UUii \vsis a ImHii «vn«vri th»t ti«» muUouw, NOT tP6NOtNG
Se«efeody «*ked San ; dy McPherson whee he ! *« aoing to spend hi* , wac«tion this ye«r and
h* s*id: "t'm f>o' *<>«odin *n>- , thln* tht« ae* *o «v«r , j \ovvy a«lHKly ov?r Ks4»> * »«> ts ta«ok*Hi to OM U*ia,\ V ' «w«w for his iuumai vH,»u*iH ot t (W WVIVKs, i WAH NOTt ' A*i «e tMi> Had T« »« lo #1»«« Aaii i»mtg bAck , <>W «**« M. PeUm. |
Rooki«, fif»t t<me on guard \ dutyi "HalL fri«nd: Wh« «o«« ! | F<*osS«h .W tTT« : i>,> | >«»m iUmi iHHmW «ii! jwq l >'* V .V. v.vtUv Wnii Utf j Ai»eth«r ne«d«d lnvention i« * 9*t»9*t fcr the bacW» 0 f th«*t« ( ! tMir« thet wH! «utom«Uc4ll> *4«etro«wtt th« mt wh« M>n . h** Kn*e« th« «n« >»w>« , •mino in | Tfer» wIU IK>* I A Mr,m iN JLXK 1