Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 7, 12 Iune 1940 — Thurston Deplores Hawaiian Breakup [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Thurston Deplores Hawaiian Breakup

'io reeoup aaii retaiti iUeir of mee, H«waiiaa>s gtiyukl fcD<ivavor w» in<Ji\-kSuais, 1d tbe3r lamiliiee &nū Ia ttoeir soci«ties, tc> pretierve th*>lr tradtttyatJ aod cuitur«, ]U.-rriii p, TtoaT*ton, prei>i<l(?ni o£ tbe Advertiaer Fut>iisblng Co. 5 fc>t<l tb« Native Sobs axid l»uaghter)t of Hawaii. iti iionoiolo, Wednes<lay uigtit wheo be spoke before tbe group's rt*gular raeeting, after l>eiug intro<iucetl Jfclar»ki Godfre.v, secretary of Uie organixatio&. | iJ<«pioriag wbat he naid was Uie I breafcup of tive Elawallans as iOi | t«gnU r*«, Mr, Tburston eou«Lt U> t«BUBi&e tbe "facior» thet are tear , tug Um HnwaUaae ajxiri a g a peo|ple," aad poicte<J \o reuje4ies ler i «tK*3» probi«aj. j "lf you are ever tu kare imiU I awo«g tbe Ha*'aiians saW iMr. Ttmmou, *'you*ve gut to slarl

in ctoe Ikmhw aml in lbe scboo;>." sbouid see u> it lUal »Mr ctai<lreD kaow wweihiai <>f ttoe bac**r»u»<l <*t llw (Mir 1b lhc atatteo4s, teacber« sb«uUt be !«ued wtM» wUi retai« tt»« uUes o£ old lia wnii aad Lfaas perpetuate Hawaiian ~X*a eaeh and iu «sch eooimmitj there mvm be an akenmg » tfce Deed of ijari&g tb<e <>ld--mmmm «te ka<nr iheir «taff to cet t«cetii«f «nd reiase firvia lb«ir tMMt tfte ibb)CB thev tut»w to be 11WKW tnti<d tfeat ihe acteote dtd &ot h*v<? oe« oou4>elt-ftl M«t: oo HawaiUan htsu«rv au<i eul <»«, MHI t*M»t rety £cht*»!s lu ite i«niory *tteai4»ievl pr«m&! dM «on ot U»B*mc\itm. «M wiuiae t« ke wW. etsc« thir <MftvaiMUL peeste t«H>k the iait{*Uv r itoe taet«r«i Iw b«<i re «t«ed in rtft» the Bm;; lu», ttw wt dift«r «nt reiijek»as tbem< a»d tktes m whieh ~neiti)(er i«rtj hes & mma o( i«aJ beaeSt ft<r H& wm&ma." Xtw Ourd f*ctor, l»e s&id. was ifet? sdweto *titdi "*re #0 l>asi - !ri&£ m eeaek i*> N> 4rixxl jlī& «mmi thtt (k| tc mdi ūwm» t« I» x>v>d iw«« Mt mtd 10 leaeh tfeg Ht wm«M» pridf> af 0? Oa?lr ?*•(£■« the dectiia* of HwKmUa& niaii l*m Mr. Tfesr?w« «fee £res*& , < Mc4v«kM lmiiMw at<*d &rsject &>i i&e -H* «N in their u k ped <i« «m«m% .V* U*»sai*ft «t? m «Mto * Umim m •««• tt <a*s f«* feUu#*3f h&2c«* *N» .-w;*■* pf*. *.* *ls< ?or