Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 7, 12 June 1940 — Program [ARTICLE]

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HAIU CHURCH Sunday School Ral!y Proflram June 23, 1940 8:30 «.m. — 11:00 a.m. Thteme: "Messugt j s Froui the Proplietb" 1. Call to VVorstiii) —Rev. Moses iioku 2. Ui inii, Leo Hoonani, Page 18S Verses 1, 2— Congregation 8. Prayer—Hev. Moses Moku 4. Amheiu, Coiitest Wiauer —Divisiou 5. lulowlueloi'i' IU j iuarks — Mr. Tbomas N. Haae 6. Haili Suudaj r Si hool (a) Pximary Dep»rtiuent— Mrs. Elizu Browu (b> intenuediate aiui Seuior De partnients—Emib' Ewaliko 7. East Hawuii Sinnla.\ Scl»ools -Mr. Joseph Kallma 6, Wiai iluwua .Suu>.!;o tScUoolj —Mr. Thomas N, Htttte 9. TTnlon Sunday Sclh>ol of Ha wnH (Spfnkor) — 15ov. M. T. Thl tuage 10. Kaual Suti<la.v i? eho o 1! (Speaker)—Mrs. Nora Clioug 11. OJTertory—Mr. Jo.seph Kali ma 12. Maui-Molokai s?unday Scliool: (Speaker)—Mr. AVii!iam Saffery 13. Oahu Sunday Schools (Spea ker)— Mr. Samuel Kaliele 14. Hyiun, Hoku, Page 12, Ver ses 1, 2—Congrgeation

15. Closing Prayer—liev. Poepoe J Nottce 1. Entn\nw: Classsps arv to bi> prpparetl enter the cl\urcti j j thronj:!) Ihp s!tlo »}oor. | ] 2. KvH : tliFOUgli tlie j tor atsH 5 to tlve ftx)ot <tf the cburcli s. EavU dass wīll be &Hovred o»ly (20) miuutes or less | 4. Kueh spe»ker vrlll b« allow<J only (5) Bilnutes. j