Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 7, 12 June 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Little Hitler ' (From Lalī) Hitler and rwo otlier brats Litked up all the rough-on-rals. Kather saitL when mother cned, 'Newi' miiul—they'll elie outsule-' Lillle llitler liuug his ssister-; She \v.as "dead beforo ihoy nnssed lier. "Hiller's always up' to trieks. Aiu't he cute'r Ile's only six-" ,Hitler, with a thirst for gore, Nailed ihe baby to the tioor. Muther said, wiUi huiuor uuaiiU, ■Adolph, iiear. Uoii "t si>oil the I»aiut." Little Hitler, with fathers gun, l'uuctured Uranduia, just for fun. i!other tro\vued at īlie merry hu.i; lt tlie last s3iell fiither had. Hitler s eute as <jute oan be. Beueath liis brotlier, ouly tliree, lle iii a stiek of dynainite. Now Buddy's siniply out ol' sight! Little Hitler lit a īoekel Whieh his pa iiad in his ni>rket. Next daj he told cousiu l'ran "l'apa is a trawling man." Hitler, wliose ideas iire su«mge, Put souie pin-wheels iu tlie raijge. When eook lit tlie gas next day, Boy! lt was sonte graud disphiy. Little Hitler, honie from sclu>ol, Wheie he'd learned the Goldeu Rule, Said, "lf 1 eai up ihis vake Sis wou't havo a stouiach-aehe." Hitler, writing ou the bed, Spilt souu: ink on iuother , s. spread. "Ma," he said, when eauie back, "It will dye a lovely hlaek. Hitler, ;tt a passiug geut, Thre\v a batvh of fresh veuieut Cryiug, "Wail UiHil >oU ds:j, Theu yuu'ii be a reui luml guv. ' Hitler pois<«ied futherV le;(: Father died in agony. Mother lame ,uul looked quite vex ed: "Reiilly, Adolph," she said. "what next " HUUm\ wlu'n the wiiul \vns stfong, Fle\v his kih* nil h>ug. "My.' he < ried, "just vee u datu*o! The t:iil's m.:;»- oui of pants." Hitler, I regret to sta!e, Out liis clnlilren up for lwut. misses thetw whvu It*s t i'.iie to dine But Hitler*s tis|i tuste situ|ily tine. Littie Hitler, with a roek, Beane<l the euekoo in the eloek, Kather s;ihi: "W!;\ O.ml it liek?" Adoip!s "T!ie hird is s'lok " lUtler splii t!uf hab. 1 To see if br;U]is \vere j:rav ur rod. Mother, trouh!ed. satd to iaiher, "OhlUir*»n are au aw f l 1 Hitler saw some d\iuy«Ho C«ttldn't unders.tand it <raUe. " ■ !CurloSit,v n<-\er pavs; It rained Adoīj*h sovotī «I«ys. HHler •, !' «!< u' '» , ~■« \ It'u».-' .ī ' m\ -iii\ - * ster. Tht 1U l '-V. *«, ' •. < U« i;' ' Whnt a 0.l ." \.h !j>l! i-.'" Hitif>r The tirt- brM < .1 Vu il ;< terrirti- b*.»\v. Or«»d|\i s beard sr ;he draft ; TlNwr hit\ b<»\\ t'he liiwnen l;Us£h**d Hf?ler «'nueh? h!s s:>ter. hu£jrod hy tw»r fe?i.nv said Ailolph. w ilii .i i :i< k?e. "TliMt euy Kmow ho\\ ta>lfttlor i» th« 4 eauMmn fe : ! th*» W MttMherV br>>\\ ' Moliu»r !o\»\1 her d® v t \,fr>lphv e*.»?te iwr<! hoM«*.t '>\ * , \\ ' HUU>r, , h?t h!v ?e:i, h. r ""M***! !he v.vr^" Ailolph «\id h.Mii «i-et "

]:m> Hie <-isU?ru little Hitler Pusliea his sister wlio \vas littler 51otht»r couldn't finīl her daugliter -Now iht?i" Nterilizv rhfir water. That million reward for the capture of Hitler ha« been withI drawn. So our trip to Europe Is off. JAPAN ('OM'KIiN IN INL>IBS Tt»LD.—Xe\vsi>aper headline. SAYS JAI*AN IK)ESN'T FEAR KLKKT 1N ISLES, — Newspaper | lieiulline in sfli«e paper. And theu folks wonder why we trot a headHohe. . i THAT WOULD BE NEVyS

Have you heard the story, folks, about Sandy McPherson givinfl his wife a ten dollar bitl to spend?

No—you never will! TALKING TURKEY Tliat Mossolini feller Fn»m war is. tryiu* to sliirk, i'.ecause he kno\vs he'll have to fight 'i'lie ratalistie Turk, He knows that Mr. Jolmuy Turk's A tighter *plenty toitgh, And that lie lias a habit Of getting awfui rouj;h, And wlien he starts to really fight We'd like to see the fUtt— A jrrandstand seat \ve ! d Uke to liave Arid wateh the L>agoe,s ruu. MAYBE HE'S SCARED OF FDR.

M*ybe, Ws FDR that*s holdiog | back Benito. The President has j been eallina him up almost ever> day. Nobody knows what was . said, but isnH it a bit strange that a(ttr «very eaii the President i asks "Conaress for another bitlion dolUrs? | LATEST WAR JOKE [ A n;ival offiver fell overboard. Ue j I \vus reseued hy a deok haud. The j ,»ffi\-er asked how he eould reward the iuau. "The best way," sald the gol>, "is to say notiaug aiwui it. If the other fe!'.>\vs knew I'd }>uUed you oui, they'd ehuek me in." * To th« German #oldiers war is Heil. ! >6we m. n 1 Mi<> niuh* on thO ( X\» «whmt in ' No Oli in »he erankatse, i Ao,t the t»uk t»one dry, ; That's ?he plrture \ve paiut, Of a lnekless youn? sai!or, ! Who thougJit lie eould drive < After years on a whal«r. BULL.ITIN

'i wouldn*t throw «w«y a n»c f kle on one of tho*e W*r ExtrM. . i ean get th« wme news over the ! radio." 1 OFF OUTY J j Sutīl ateiulH»rs <ui tius ; j w oek . | ■ i Utlv Stwsiiaiitifts, | l Wiuuia Waflrioirv\u j | Vorj* Wen. j I s>»urpass } I UliS WAV !