Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 6, 5 June 1940 — KA HOKU O HAWAII [ARTICLE]
EstabUshed April, 1906 ★ THE STAR OF HAWAII p. o. Box 1004 Offlce—l7l Keawe St., Hilo, Hawall Honolulu Office Phone 5917 917 Alakea St. Also address aircorrespondence to P. O. Box 9S. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year - ' (Cash in advance, $2.00) 6 Months — - Advertising Rates on Appllcatlon Entered as second class mattei at the Post Office at Hllo, Hawall Uader the Act of March 3, 1876. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY By THE STAR OF HAWAII PUBLISHING CO., LTD. Treaaurer & Business Manager W. D©sfca Editor in Hawaiian Solomon AnakaW Maui, Molokai and Lanai Represe*tative H. 1». Hotetein Kona Representatlve Thomas N. Haae, B*. Manager Honolulu Office Harold oodfrr6jr Circulauon Manager and Editor in EngHsh Iloopukaia ma na Poakolu apau AUHAU O KA PEPA O ka makahikl ....— - - (Uku kulke, »2.00) Eono mahina ——- ; — ;