Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 6, 5 June 1940 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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;sS?gags&sgasroSsīsKssg.gSsgs3ZSgaß4&A»&^^ 1 CONGRATULATIONS I | to Ka Hoku O Hewaii <m itt 34th birthdav aml V I best wiahea lo Lod|e for a 3 fe C%jnwv»l. a I»• « « a 1 (SEWAU GARPENS) ! I! jjj THE PALM INN | ā. . Compliments of fi I DRIVE-IN MARKET 1 | (KIYOSAKI BROS.) I | 15] Kiinuea Ave. Hilo B | Phone 2525 I — 1 " [ .— —— ; ; f —: —=— ' . ■ .-..,. rv U_.IJHII ILI LJ, J JM) tIU Jil ltil uillilll _| . •' I ' THE REAL NEWS 0F HAWAII { ) Can be found in only one newspaper THE HAWAII SĒNTINEL $2.50 per year — $4.00 for 2 years P. O. Box 2389, Honoliilu or eall 2578, Hilo for more detaiīs — ' We say ALOHA BOTH WAYS While we congrafulate KA HOKV O HAWAII on its tmniversary n e introduce otfrselves as an organizatīon of loeal origui not a bratich o/ any outsu{c finu. CAP-WELD TIRE SERVICE TIRE RECAPPING (Vapor-Cured Keeape) HAROLD TAISOUYE — GILBERT M. CAISARIO Phone 2997 Hilo, Hawaii 355 Kilauea Ave. : S. MUKAI | ! Real Estate office above Standard Drug Store ! Store I ! 1 ~ I ; j H. HISANAGA j Bondsman I i ! _ : " ; V : ēēiēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēkēiēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēiēēēēē J f ; I