Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 6, 5 Iune 1940 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LATEST WAR JOKĒ A smaU boy, leading a donkey, passed by an army oamp. A eouple ■oi suldiers, Avariting to have surue Tun \Tith the lad, haileel hin>. ••\Vhar are you tioldlng on u» yuur broiher so tigln for, SoutiyT , oue of them asked. "So he won't join the tinny," tho answered. M \NY HAPPY RFTI"RNS to KA HOKU O HAWAII on tliis birth<lay oeeapion S. MIYAMOTO CASH & CARRY 252 Piopio S't. Hilo .4nu>riran and Japanw Groccrws. Liquors 1 _ || I Mabuhay and Aloha j { to the | [ Star o( Hawaii ] I on their . j ] 34th ANNIVERSARY i i OF EXJSTENCE ! i II j Mabuhay Store j | ī E | j 187 Keawe Slro<>t, Hilo ! ; Ī Ē of Quality Philippinol | Caods £ s | Sole Agent of FS("0 Shoes | The Shoe of Qiiality j f and ' I Doublr H var in En-ry Pair I | Greetings j And Best Wishes I to the readers atul frieii(ls of tJie Star of Hawaii, and to its |>uhJi>lier;~ for their efforts in j i»eh.i]f of the Hawaiian peo--1 ple. ln helpinji to preserve" !the aneient language and traj ditions of Ihmaii. ihe Star is | to he ooriHnemled. I e take t hi- opportunity of je\pres.<in{; our aloha and of-| !ferin>x our sineere eongratula-f | lion* (iii itv ,14th l»irth<lav. * I ' I i E. N. HOLMES, Ltd. J Crorerit\- Furniture | Dry Goods Shoes aiul Readj to Wear Men*s Furrii?hings lī'aiamn nue $t.. Hilo, Hawaii "Tiiere"> No PJaee like Holm'tV
N AIMB AG-A-N AKEM ' Foimded M«y, 1934 By M. U. BERMUDEZ i. \, ho 1 ?hy am ih,-- hjsh( a{ tht> v.vnUi 'U :h> ln*avi antl ;oUow<»th t»»> ihm s .oiii. ;uut u:uh āil Imi sh«U tn!iui oniKnmlL In huSt ' ' ht ' ot »c>iEh- «' Hphī of ih«> »-orW. \ t'nit> aud Rqu*lUy toi iUr iuaiuicu&JK>- a; Juh?U'o in th<* WAyof K i\iu Maiu (>&<*<■. 10$$ KūUKiK' St. IMww-aiWl* 0.8*1x45* s |{r-. H».W ■ ;r>2il miiK au K'aimlx\g A Nakem is a Fl!ipinu Mulual an<l Fialciuol ( S,hu*?n U was tKc fir?l who neccived thc al Gwil4>UtAtVv:c f from th«- lnsui<invr Conimi.««onex !t is WiJel) knowu liie ' s?ocirt>' h\ the Tcnitoi> of l Lawaii. j — .... :.p