Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 6, 5 Iune 1940 — Foresters To Convene In Hilo [ARTICLE]
Foresters To Convene In Hilo
The 32nd annual conveution of the dlBtrict court of Hawaii, Ānctent Order of Foresters, wiU* be be!d !n Hl!o ( Ju!y 6, at the ForWt- ' • 3" Aa«rtiBMne Enos, a Native $ob *%'© ts now H!gh Chief Racger of H»e orfler, wlll att«®d thl« con%*eu Won. He !* a member of Court Va!!?y We and is now rlsittng his natlve ls!and of Maul. €©nrt Matmakea. Hilo. has kppointe<l a eommlttee headed by Ed to prepare a program for the vlßitlng delegate«.
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