Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 6, 5 Iune 1940 — New Book To Give Facts About Hawaii [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

New Book To Give Facts About Hawaii

Dr. John Wesley Coulter of the tH»iv<Tsitj* of Uawaii has written ā 75 psge aeeUon about tfte Terrftorr of Hawall for the book, Oūtlylng Ameriea, to he publlshefl by cbe UniversHy of Ciiic|igo rress aboat ! Amgait. Dr.'Cou!tet' hls seotion 011 iferrltory a discil&slou of tkē natural £nvfrcmnieht, the dimate an<][ |oj.)ography, point-_ ing out the whlel» ilie islaads agreēahie fōr the loeal poj>tilatloii aūd a 'meeea ioi" vlSitors. He reviews the racial mateop or the poptiTation, begiūning wlth the HHwaltans, ahd points oiit that the llfBtery of later " immigrations regects the %ggar industry's history. He says racial harmony has heen r :» ?- . .... - -

*u.'hieved m Uie Ternlorj laigt?ij Jjeuiitoe of <ijid ty,UiiUlj , ■ ©f opportūnity. Two oŌier factors, says Dr. Ooulter, also have miulmi£ed racial and nationalisiic rf distliictions in the islands, nan{eiy, iui&9Īonary idealSsm and the unly?Bj»itality juid £rieudij of the Hawaiiaoa. Tl»e Chiuese, Japauese, Filipinp aud oUier groui»s in the i>opulation are <ltei:V>*ed. Dr, *iy&B.«, brief picture of cu)tural, eoeial §ttid feiijjWUS iUaUtUtloiits VkWcU «roups have tuid ihe degree of acculturatioD that iias eome ai>ouc in with Aiuericaii a&(i instituUOQs* . Of Uie he sajs; y«irs of U»e elder iapan,-. ese people iu Hawaii brougiit out their vaiuable qualitigs of eharacter. There is reasoju to believe Uiat durīug the next 50 years the <kss*«iidaut»s of those earlj eomera wiii aake even cctatciljut!ons to the progress" of the Terrltory tlian their ' I>r, <3outtw saye that tbe peopk of 9«ctotts raclai t»&cfcgfoua&3 are worbing out adjustment» lo nalural and social environmQnts in th|_ freedom granted by tlon of the Uniffed States, ' In po!nting to the future of islands, Dr. Con!ter sajs w&vq peo ple in the Territory tliiuk the eond.uct of the peopie has tt the privilege of a commonwealtS In the unlon. As to statehoŌ4. iie says Hawaii has at tiujes, to its āisadvantage, l>een treated dl!t'erently froin the states. When as&ed to write the chapter on Hawaii Dr. Coulter objected to Uio pix>posetl title of the book f wWeh was Detached America. He pninhHl <»ut that Hawaii heoame a 4>ari of tl»e L'nile«l Uirougb iuuLual ugreemeut iu 1.898 aud wuls jaa lntegral pArt U*§r«of and ide« whleh the word MelaehēĀ" not ln keeplng wlth ] &» f«elings of the people. And F «o £tae..£4uae was thuu£ed to Oull^m; ISI- otl»er isUna/%' the «S»Br :i Stattiß In the Pacißc Uie out tlie stralcgic >a *mm Sani«ā #nd Ouaui, staltTig WnWi" fwiw «mt that of other iii Uie Paeiiie re ■Mto Ihe future a^ivitie^f '«mC #*lī&©tr vHhie ns haral gaSes or on >ōntes has aīread*- Kva esta«fid that x yaiue in- ■< #Mufe- witi the furtlier &V%l> ! of trade t;trou£li the iilia'