Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 6, 5 June 1940 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I Devoted To 1 I HAWAII | |and the ( People Of | HAWAII | I Hie Honolulu Slar-Bnllelii] oM- ■ I e«t fam3y dafly newspaper in Ha- B I waii, salutes Ka Hoku 0 Hawaii on 0 jl its anniversary and extends Aloha 1 ■ and all good wishes. 1 I For many years The Star-6ulle- B I tin has devoted itself to tbe best II H interests of Hawaii and the people | B of this beautiful group of islands I and American territory. R| I" It īs our purpose to serve Ha- I waii, to retain, in the new days that B are upon ūs, the spirit of the islands I and safeguard the welfare of Ha- I waiTs people. I ALOHA! 1 > HONOLULU I § STAR-BULLETIN I I UMITED I H Prinling ..... Engraving i|j I DAVID H. KYDD I H Repre#entativc on Ts!and of Hawan B