Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 5, 29 May 1940 — Start Census For Business, Industry [ARTICLE]

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Start Census For Business, Industry

e*mmsL Ht MMm . jr., aBBlslAJßt eouAU' «iper fi«»r of o«isus, Ka Hoka O H*waU " is «lW* t« presetU iu r©«dwji wiih s few detalls iu regard to xhls <.tn- !»* |s govt URder wav. Here are soaie of p«rUci<mt E>oints about tUis two~scUedule eeuB«ts: The SclieāuLe wiil be devoted primarily to «H l>usiuess organizaiio;ns wliose totai uuuiofacturing vo?ume l» $iiuoo or wver fm y«ar. Ua4er ti»e wholeaale sectioa t»f tl»e Bu«ifiess schedule, Oie m»*ii*m» aeked wUS bt«tr uti busiae*ts orjtmalwttonB yr«4uiulaeßUs whwle«»!«» Sd char&cier wha«f umla lannion is to sel? ur gct m ft*ent 1d i>r g<n>ds « wtio!esale basls. This ceus.uti ». ai taclude n»aiiufacturtrs trt*Q<'ht-3 aud tflßces ttat are tetl as di»tiuct uaii,- ajmr; fram tbeir main pl«tn« and wbo urt t*»i in 6elliiis: maaufm turers' itnniurt!t at wbolt»saU". .-r I»rukefB vttfa estabUsUi»l >. f efi#agvd rhieflj ie iaerrlmttdl«e or eommoAiLiea, iis«Mat»iers or wboles&]ers of fariii prodHt*ts anū manj- c»tLer ijpes oī »rh«lesa!(> ba«ine«g. Tbe reriul t»de will iudxide gtc*mrv «twes. meat markets, e&ŪL£ l>laces, marfcet stacds. senice «a--tioo« «nd ali other esubUslUBeQis who*e īs rvta,il in oatare. A »pnrate (fivlsior. o? lln> Di* trit 'itio« $ihe»loJtf wMS ,u («nwaemēni p»u<vs *u<-h as> th*«u-r>, [4rsk« fe»ns. boirUns aolei«, bUil*r4 i »mrW>rs »nd Bwtay otber idac«g tl»ai <«peni|t> »>« !Avnttaf-r\ l*l &musest»e&t e«»*erprit*H« ¥tc>teU w:th tea or i«ore g9eet rooa>* wlli be iadsded ln «his s|»efial d!Tision of the ces- ' KM*?»!ffltm>eßtii rend««iri|: per*»i »aJ service. sacfe &s lamft!rif-s, ■ He*»»n? <»K»ps. barber shoj-is, repur sh«»ps ot "kiod>. shj p# •wl «ai«ll »raoafacfßri&g c*:«bUs;. ia«Bt« «rlK»«e to?al Tolu»8e U les* rte*n «at»d * s*ar. *riīl &e tuciud<%i «ader rt»e Scbedose *"We *Isfe »p emji&as,i»(? s.s&ib," «»y« Mr any res*ors flr+m tf tt& opamii *Pcta«mot U ' <«nStlfO!!i] and *e w!sli u' pUc« etnpluu;U on ihe f»a tfest I'iM» fe*gteegs teteraK»tlm cas o&HI any otfeer An»rtmect ot «he «K»ver«9»eet, e<*r «u. sus <a ihe IWwmHm W «aed f<»r piar|x»ssek «f <r h-.vems* Uea.*"