Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 5, 29 May 1940 — Punahou Luau Is postponed [ARTICLE]
Punahou Luau Is postponed
i In aeeordant'e with Jautes M. (V--iH»wda, President of tlie l'uiwhou Aiuuiui Assoviatiou. īhe auuual aīumoi \u«u has heen i>o¥tpouoil to Friday, Juoe 14 to aeeomniodate »ieiiil>ers v?ho wish to attet\d the af?air from the outsi«Je fsl«uds. Ali graduates iu eensus years are re<iue>ted to uiake a point to be tliere. In auswer to iDquirl«s. the loeal «•ouimiuee wishes to iuform tlie aluunni ou the I>ig Islaud that the date of J«ne 10 was selected for the Big isJand organi7-ation of the -chftj>ter of the «lunvni h«"c«(iw M<i(i<l:ty liHp{ieus (<i he the eve of Kamehameha nay, aml that tliere wiU lie a dauee at Uu' Kaniloa Hotel that everiitijr fi»m 8 on, «nd als«.> to aoeomuiodatv ineuiber> «-oiulug iu irom the oul side tiistri»'ts to si>end the holida\ iu Hilo, Mr. J*mes M. o'!H>vvdft, Aluuiui I*rftsidenl, wlh He āt tliis meelin^, a»d he hopes to ieave for Houolulu s!h s leiiuwini; >Vednesdaj" lo atteni! f the ulumui Uuui iu Honoiuiu on the ! l'uuahou eanipus. ' For detailed information. you arr ! to eontaet Cleuient Aki i m». Wih. H. Ohm» and Charles Auid I who are the tt*etnhei-s in eharge ol I this dinner meeting at the i*auilo:t I -— __—-