Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 5, 29 May 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Xudism is boomīng iu Kngland. —Xewspaper fillēr. Well, it wc>n't .he ihe ous> U)ing boouiing iu Merry j OUle Entrtand during.thē next fev\ j _ | SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"There's one advan- % tage in being a batd j , headed newEpaper edit- !

or these days—he can't tear ni« hair when he tries to sort out the war news." DESERT POME NO. 73 Cni\vling over the In a worn-out jaUopy the student who said, "I'H *ee you niahope Now that the war has moved to France, it ssn't so hard for the ehap who was there in 1918-19 to j pronounce the names of those i French towns. j LATCST WAR JOKE j (>ft'irer (exrtuiiviiug iwniiO — i •Uu\>- you any scars? >! Keen'.ii —"Xo, siv. hui 1 a»n give , yo« a cigarette." ] SCOTCH STRATEGY |

if you see Sandy McPherson racing across the street today as if he were running to catch a train, yog may be

sure he has found out that thts !s Poppy*hay. REViSED VERSION Ma\3;iiaoif»eile Avnn?wtie}*«, Vnrl>>z vous, Ma4amoiselk> ī"r<<iii Aniieutiers PhvWz vous, The U«rißaiis ave bark in towu o»ce more And doiug Uie {]iiiigs tliev did before, Hinkey ainkey p;\rlez vo«s. Onee upon a time there wer« two sailors. Now there are flob» of th«m. LATEST WAR NEWS The Sui>s ua\% i.s sUil iuuut, BULL-6TIN

"I woutdn't bother to takc that sidc-trip to HHo, if I you. TJ»ere*s nothina there but a big hole and a lot of rain. You ean l«arn al) you want to know about Hawail by staying rīght hei*® in Honolulu." BULL-ETiN NO. 2 "I m% en.loyf«l the l)l;tckou(. II a I*'! <>f fun gri»pliiK art>und 1« Ihe «lark. Africa hat atways been'knowri M the Dark Ccntinent. But it wit glven that name before £urop« «tarted having btackouls. A g«.v ?mte ' ; ! Is ArtU» lUnr; He pJays ir«>od jn»ker Bui }i;iv- iui (Wits. \ ——— | Tho»e Ge rm a n parachuti»t* ' Mt«m t© ftoat through the *ir with ' M*e of ea«e. yuesth>n K*>. "lk> y*iu ehlnk Uit'v wiU have ibt>«c r*ppuiHrtyr' by the Jatest war news, tho»e 50,000,000 F:cnchmcn were j wrong after aii. j CAN ¥OU BLAMt H!MC j

WIMU a stftflT hnl- hw aī < tNr iritug ii' pHr .jiri> .<n a« j cumtt* i*vjmv t>f it«> «uvivw wsu

new«. itnd at the suiue time keep frdui <ontradktiug SOME MAN i Germans Claim 110,000 Captured by Louis Lochner.—Newspaper head!in«. l>ear Koko-Nut!?: \Vli.v Uuu'l Uie i Al!ies in ami muumli Ileriiu7 — Oii.islant reader. I'eai- reader; Fur ihe sanie reason lluil the Uermaus ilou'i siuush Piui*. ! Jt was very considerate of the moon to remain out of sight unti! after the blackout. ARTESIA7V T WELL TO SUPPLY WATER.— Ne\vspaper headliue. AVas somebody expeotiug it to j supply oil? | MAX OVER-BOKED.