Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 4, 22 Mei 1940 — Two Screen Stars Disagree Over Hawaii [ARTICLE]
Two Screen Stars Disagree Over Hawaii
HI»LLYWOOL I X>s.'H? and DorotSk3 Lstssw>ar are la f*arest <lis&ft*«sjeat c> er x&* rc-«B«Bi?*-te(iaciBjE effpc;s o' Ha«*sii. Bettf Tettī!roM lloa4aj tnsmi tl» tsin4*. *ife3 as.ii sbe fcan<i r««M« tkfcre. Hiiss L*iucur. m cos tr«st. sscelntl; & īi4tad ! »»* a!r r«ps c*ptait «W& *1m i«n»e tea<* « w»«fc 4gv- ■ H«t<> tn<lls«a&tlj !k&- \h* &•* Pf T*i&iuse*. Waunm 1 Wmrh<?r<s- »3UJk '*»*• h«it str4h!ag a ■deeeeL \ & Ve are Mrrled. 1T« *?* J»«* iwe* *sag*£>e4- aie l"*!Vy »twmss aj this4?v !!k« Uau i»**6t !is 11^;\tv v k-4 Wf 'iw the ai» Vui &*-. 1-