Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 4, 22 May 1940 — "Honor Slayer" Is In Insane Asylum [ARTICLE]
"Honor Slayer" Is In Insane Asylum
{ WASHIN«TON — Capitai circles 1 are s&able to untf«rstacd wbj Kavv U«Qt«naot Tboma« H. Massīe, who elgtat afo p3ave<l tfee teadiO£ ! Ml« io HoooluJtfs fhj]x>us slayins" <*se» is ocstfUied b«re lu Su Klixal>eth's Bospiul for ihe īusant, N»vy *u>d lK*sj>it«l aathorit!es I sbed no slgfet t»n tbe oas*? e««trtted newsi*ai>er r*furt* ltluit lb« offk<«r hj»d been traissfvrlred f*x«n tl*e Kavr! H*vspital to tlw for li is fe*īU<evfeow*mer, th*t <v<\d; Um 1« tbt mult i>f tryhut experi «i»m tfee l«!ft ei«ht y<fars Um. sl*ss£'s trwiM« l*s«n lu IS6S whwn Im» w*« t!ri«d le ihe s!aj tejr nt »11 Ha<rttt*n wlk' «Hm<y dtl«cfeH! tbe T\>rt*#h"w Mn«ss*> 0> v »J«;f¥»£utaM« »ltU Ma*»h< MH For IWMMK IHHO J lo^! *»<! A. <V Mpw* «t»wr wii tb« !ste 4ci»mk* P«w>w, ft»Tvc*<«! I»*v*r «*»f fel» hls <-£$<■ ou Jtt»* U*~ atni MTS * «wal rtctorj All &»ar ct«vk<«yl ba? Ver>? s**;leuoeU » w<m «nly <HBd> Sxmr «M iw<a.t!t%? V* s*ruce. yw» I*t** Ksssi« w*# & N***dft her >ius fe*itd wttlk ss*&t&', or«fS ■ f%» *jr *•%* |»r4u tiNl sJw» iās!ctde V? .Xrl& Wit m % »-*aV t» lsffT IHsss?4< **,<,*, rrl<s* «W* «WMMI *v to . i muv Stv»rm*s o? Af«r*t 1» *a t» VSS? * h*>r St |H>w» *»er mm «*;!«*£. ««2 |«fc*