Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 4, 22 May 1940 — GUARD PLANS THREE WEEKS AT MAUI CAMP [ARTICLE]

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AH mtts df th« 299tb Infautry fl«wMl NaUonal Guard, will ho]a a thr©e weeka' eamp a.t tbe Puukuku<o eaimp &t Wailuku, MauL, ibU f«ar, inetead of tbe usual two weeka o£ fie!4 trttlning, it was leamttUa week in a eommuole-aUou ' WMHWŌ by the T«rrttorlal Ad}ut- - «nt General from the war d!epart«ent lo Washingtot3. " The eaiup is gc)>edoled to be beld firom October 12 throagk Kovember - 2. Wor the first time everj islaud KMI! have troops at the Maai eauip, fcwladlii£ the new Ti»lrd battalion from Kaual under tlie c*oaioiaod ot UartiBoD Blce. More thau 1006 ofBoerg and men are expected to be -tn tte eamp. It Us also Tftporfe<l tlwft « fl r«a , 3? r ia&a w!TI liave to go ihls y«kr, inelodlU£ those oo tlie re- ' Thr«ē we«k* of duU werv gh6u ' €ksard ÜBit« u«der ihe TimUe3' cattoßal eioergenei' prodauirtUoii f tbe iast fiscal yea.r.