Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 4, 22 Mei 1940 — How I Paid A Bet For Teddy [ARTICLE]
How I Paid A Bet For Teddy
. . 4% GiXON) xue weeiii vL a. i»ctute la m iuau> years of wo?k ( whiqii ow of Is. mi' eipeiienee as editur o£ % sreekly iiew§gajger in a Sap \okū J aiwajs a £reai Adaiirer 01.. Oie Teddi- W£S m Ā<ieal as a he ma» ,a» d,X samttāt weat to Cuba at the same time iie did, when he and his famous Ri-_ ders iihowea the what tliey touid do wheu it came to Xhe wuii' reasou I didtt't get there &as Uiat 1 wa§, uader ase aad jnjr , caw«ht 04 U) p.roi>QBed adveutur« befyre 1 couvUttce lUe , -r*£uWU¥ Umi- i wa& iwo. uWer reaili was. t>Wec.tioii ta mi* ®Rilataie#L resuUed iu ms pryi«i>t rt;tum liouae aud Uaek tQ,sd\pQ|. But' iiwUeulae lncideut l re īkx to «aa wlieu Xedd) waij rua- , uing for PresJdent iu J&Ī2; tie Buli Moose caud4dat«. I was. jme o£ iiis stai|nche«j.t 1 Oue of uiy Uie coruer j«ti«-e iu thla iilUe He 1 was oue o£ t&£ Deuiocraia ' and we were alwA^a
i U«. s. Oue orti' he b|t ( [ Wiisoa w«ul4 \m Usi .iml. £reai4ew. 5 f The (hh >vas to l>e a Stetsoa hat L4iK«iu«i a wh««tU>arrww . f{he maīn street of tlie vīliage, aod if 1 lost 1 ulso u> jgive three chmrz for Wllson is ftroftt of oid omih Larson'g house. Mr. Larson frau» a aort of chieftai£i of the larse »earhy Swedīsli colouy, as well &s the lowu'* i««4ias Democrat, aod lived on the ontskirt&. Well, for onee Teddj' waa <tefeated and I lost the het, wbkb agr frtend «ttid he want«d me to pajr williia M week. Like all mall towas, —thls ooe vat »o excf(ptioa—lhe n&em «ooa got awoM lbat 1 wa« 10lag to pay my het oa a c«rtaiu «ay> Woplo over the district took advantage of the opportunity to see sonw fun. There wasn't | mnoh excitement in those <lsgrs aad : folks were sure tlkls would be ver,y e&tertainiag. It was. Both sides of the main street were Uned wHli Interested :<pectator& wko had at lot ot fuu kidtUiis tm over the loss of my Wt. Wheu Um» viUa|te barber, who was also aii «MHiteur Liltoto£rapher, uiuunpl|«d to take otir pictures W so».>u {fo«a(} hlra«eif fntatlcally scratub{llug ap a pole to g*t away frviii a Lclianrittg wheelb*rn>w. j fo UM&« thia£S eveu mure iuterj estli>s ihere was a keaT> dowiiiwur ! of r=iia Uiat (iiO' aiul the streci | feii of gr«at puddle« of dinj tcr. M y IH->nu»on»u' tiK»k u»s weai «ii ihe wheesb*rn}w aaa th« sta|ied. X *tv*ned Uiat «rl\eotham>Nv inio evpr\ puddle l cou!d find. in no ge»i!t? msni)er, go that by ihe Hme we re«ch«d th« Lar»fi houso my frkad was & of mud from toe to top. I woutid ap the jounie.v by duuii>iivg hiui ia a pile of s®oft nmd and upseiUe& tho hartHiw on iop of liim. Noihiuu was «iid m the terms of ihe bet &s tt» whether he $hōulvi W \vfce«Jed s«Nitly or aot Then. vcrj roluct*uttj, I £ave th* dei»AQded three cheers. Woodrow 'Wllaoe. u Do you wi«k me to whod i\>u haek a«aior 1 w MeaO. tkauk he «i>t I luni euoiuh ainl Va ratlM>r Vv>U !** *** tfca» taVf a I satis*ki4 īuclud f t«Mt o& laa» tar¥Oii. The Wt w*« ;usd UtC $v<; Uy*\»Wff% K4B vyic W 1 «*3oy»a <aa T«NI !<* I NWNWPW a« V>\*f th« |Ih»W «T II» «ory. a«tvl & vu>ā »{t«r ibe> wef* nwiinMlni: U.
I FttftikC£ WVMtk Ibl S«Jil C\teWE^VM.4sM» ,oa Mc4oW ti*U bciilu *vk»o» \Y. U : &i>U uduteui£uii V4 t&« ,snH ei&aeniiUu «HNUK, N*r jitt*St El&4, &*•*.&* «&, I tx»s£c& »M oamen* , las £*qr I 'Mr. fei l\«sltr. svūl i*a ;*ai r Wt\luc*\ki OUi S4 U iuVf YW t«\» mn*. *a ,T5 &C?CS la<&si 4JL :<d{ C«llf<ortUA. Cvmwi*Ui» a&4 *ct«& <& «UhmiWm* o*4 *l M«ttU»lv>A iieNwi 4 Ufe hj', Htejf «iU aUw »um} )S%i*ji fiMs» ct feO *vi«fc ii )£*,» A&Owe *iU *m.\Q «* * fej; soU eoMeiwu»»#. th&t *Ll, ;V»Ww **in t - *««4 M&i - *