Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 4, 22 May 1940 — P.O. Alterations Almost Completed [ARTICLE]
P.O. Alterations Almost Completed
A*wrationsi uml li»provwnein we&k 011 the fed*r»l byik«ng ai>o Hllo postoffice «w r«pWly ne«rtng Workaj«M\ w«re yes«rtiay hatkglng tlie. ne» »teel doors at both ends of tbe buUdtng, ! Th« ikw n«w maii box«»s w«n? in- ) )ast w«ek. j Ttww is sti» m>roe worfc h> a«> hi i t»u&«vniou wlth th© (trder • <fer<mmt»ni s«vd th* I rtow. M\t thls wUI * m tfee next tew «Im?». i <Vntr»ctw ii. K. is doin§; 1 the vrorfe.