Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 4, 22 Mei 1940 — NEWS FROM KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOL FOR BOYS [ARTICLE]
Kaiuehauieha s<hool, Honoluiu May 10 <Sped;rt)— «eorgo Mills from Hilo recentlv reoeived a goid pin for tl»e llrst l>alf of the last tprni. Fnink I,esUe :uid .lohn IH»sha, in»oi tl»e Hig Inhiinl, received ellyer pins. bi for a bo.v to nualify for « gx»l<! pln he must h«ve an avorage «f 4,5 or belter svholft*tfcaHy a smmg 4 in »ttl.lurt«. A he, iii order to qu«l!fy for a sflvor pln. in the ti£ ! jwr 15 i«?r wnt of class sclio lasticaliy and nmst have a stromg 4 in attitu<le. An intere?ting event toofe plac< when no silvpr pins vrpre aw&Tdet to the iseaior clfcss l>ecaus<f »11 <>' tbe to the se.i\lor clas« ww | g»ld pius. I Boys who received goW pit»s aw ! Amhrose Ko-aehlll, seTenth grade j Choy, eighth yra(ie; lUeliai'i j Blals<!eU «tul Caf» Boae, tentl f srrmh v : Oor{. r e Mlll?. Nel?on 1tol»ln | son. .īolm v\n«! .loho Mor riso» from the fwelfth